Senior Year, Finally

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Their summer was swell they had fun it went by too fast like always. Soon they noticed that it was September which meant school, yay, thankfully it was their senior year.

The first day back Sam and Gabriel got up early did their normal school routine, shower, get dressed, breakfast, brushed their teeth and they were off. Dean let Sam use the impala since he just didn't want to take him to school anymore and he didn't have a car yet.

Sam arrived at school, making sure his parking was good so 'baby' wouldn't get scratched. He walked into the school got his schedule and went to his locker. He put his backpack in their with the impala's keys and he just stood there waiting for Gabriel.

Gabriel arrived he pulled up into the school parking lot, using Anna's old car and he saw a familiar car oh it was the impala. Gabriel parked on the right side of the impala then walked into the school. When he walked into the school he grabbed his schedule and carried on to his locker. Convenient his locker was right next to Sam's.

"Hey sweetie." Gabriel said once he arrived by Sam and his locker.

"Hey darling." Sam responded with a smile. "Yes, your locker is right next to mine." Sam added excitedly.

"Yup Samsquatch." Gabriel said with a smirk, as he put his backpack and his keys in the locker. "You weren't waiting on me were you Samwich?" Gabriel asked as he slammed his locker shut.

"Why yes I was, so what homeroom do you have?" Sam asked eagerly hoping they were in the same one.

"Henricksen's, you?" Gabriel asked.

"Yes, Henricksen's also, here let me look at your schedule." Sam said and Gabriel just smiled and handed his schedule to Sam.

"This is going to be a perfect year." Sam said with a smile.

"We have all the same classes?" Gabriel asked and Sam nodded his head yes. "Sweet, so like always you are going to help me with my homework, right." Gabriel said with a smirk as they walked to Henricksen's classroom.

"Always." Sam said in a tone like 'how else would we hang out with each other'.

They walked into Henricksen's and found two empty seats in the back. They sat down and they were talking until the bell rang.

Like normal Henricksen had to explain to his homeroom about whatever, and blah blah blah. Then they heard someone come into the door, oh just Adam being late like usual.

"Oh you actually cared to join class, Milligan." Mr. Henricksen said with an un-amused tone.

"Please, it's just home room no biggie." Adam retorted not fully realizing which teacher he just sassed.

"Excuse me, Milligan?" Mr. Henricksen asked.

"Sorry, nothing." Adam said quickly and took his seat.

The first couple class periods went by fast considering it's lunch now. Like usual Sam and Gabriel sat at their table they been sitting at since Freshman year. Later on Charlie, Jo and Kevin came up and sat by them like usual also.

Sam and Gabriel gave each other this look remembering the night when Jo and Charlie were practically sleeping on each other. Sam took his phone out and went through all his pictures, majority were Gabriel, but there were moments where Sam would get up to leave for the bathroom and take little pictures of his friends just hanging out having a good time. He finally found the picture and he showed Gabriel and they just smiled.

"What are you smiling about?" Jo asked.

"Oh you know you and Char basically sleeping on top each other." Gabriel said and made Sam and Kevin laugh.

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