You Can't Let This Happen

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Gabriel and Sam have been dating for about fifteen months, they were going out with Cas and Dean to the movies on friday to go and see the new horror movie Lights Out. Well let's just say that it wasn't the best movie for Cas.

Cas stayed throughout the whole movie every once in awhile he would look away from the screen and into Dean's shoulder or neck. After it was over Cas got up before the credits started and ran out of the theatre and just ran he didn't even bother with the impala.

Dean, Sam and Gabriel walk out and goes to the impala hoping Cas was there but he wasn't.

"I'll go see if he went into the bathroom." Gabriel said as he began walking back to the theatre.

"Where the hell would he have gone?" Dean asked while looking around the parking lot.

"I don't know Dean, oh there's Gabriel." Sam said while Gabriel shook his head.

"Not there." Gabriel said and they all got in.

They drove around the area hoping to find Cas but they didn't. They pull up to a Gas n' Sip to get some gas and drinks. Sam and Gabriel walked into the store and saw Cas in the back corner.

"Heya Cassie why did you run?" Gabriel asked as he walked over to him.

"I'm sorry, but the movie scared me." Cas replied.

"That's ok, did you need anything while we're here?" Sam asked more towards Cas, Cas just nodded and grabbed some things along with the other two.

They paid and they walked out to go back to Dean. Dean was sitting there waiting instead of coming in.

"Please say you didn't forget the pie Sammy." Dean said as they all piled in.

"No I didn't forget you damn pie." Sam replied as he threw the pie at Dean.

"Sorry for running Dean." Cas said and startled Dean.

"That's alright but why did you run?" Dean asked before he turned the impala on.

"The movie scared me." Cas responded as they drove off.

They get back to the Novak's house since Bobby doesn't really care what they do as long as they are safe. They walk in and see Anna on the couch crying.

"Hey Anna what's wrong?" Gabriel asks as he walks over to her.

"Do you remember your older brother at all?" Anna asked.

"No." Gabriel responded.

"I do, Raphael right?" Cas asked with so much hate and disgust.

"Yeah him, well he is back but he doesn't know that we moved thank god." Anna says as they all sit by her.

"Who is Raphael?" Dean asks as he sits by Cas.

"He is the oldest, Anna is second oldest, then me, and then Gabriel." Cas answered.

"What happened?" Sam asks.

"Well when our mom died he kind of went crazy, then when dad left he just left few days later, without a word or anything. So when that happened we were glad we never had to deal with him. Then now he is back, let's just say he is very suicidal and very murderous also." Anna said while she started to cry again.

They were worried about Raphael coming back but it was news to Gabriel about two things one he had an older brother and two that he is murderous and suicidal.

After a couple of days Raphael never showed which yes that is good but why didn't he. One day Anna turned on the local news and she started to cry.

"Anna are you okay? What happened?" Cas asked as he ran down the stairs to his sister.

"Yes and no, Raphael he is dead." Anna said once when she said that Cas was flooded with mix emotions.

"Wow... wow uh wow I." Cas started but couldn't find the words to fit what he felt.

"Yeah I know Castiel I know." Anna said as soon as she calmed down.

Gabriel was with Sam and Castiel texted Gabriel saying that Raphael was dead. Of course Gabriel had no emotions about the news because he didn't know him he didn't even know who he was.

Anna was kind of a wreck about it even though he was a horrible brother. Castiel was fine after a day. But Gabriel just never cared. Sure Anna might of thought he was horrible she still loved him just not as much as the other two. Anna completely 'shut down' in a sort, because well Raphael understood her in a way that only he could help her.

Anna was a troubled teenager. She would drink, and do drugs. Raphael understood why. Their mother before she died would work so much and barely be with the family, and their dad before he disappeared would abuse her and only her. Castiel was four and didn't quite remember a lot about the abuse she would get, and Gabriel was just a baby. Raphael was older than Anna by two years, and he would go and find her if she was out too late and would take the blame so their dad wouldn't hit her, Raphael was a good older brother until their mother died.

Anna attempted suicide, why probably because of Raphael. She knew it was wrong wanting to leave Cas to take care of Gabriel even though he is sixteen almost seventeen.

Anna had to go to the hospital, she was on suicide watch for a year. During that year Gabriel and Castiel stayed with Sam and Dean at Bobby's. Bobby didn't mind since they were either there to spend the night or Sam and Dean were over at the Novak's he just didn't care.

During the year, Anna attempted again this time no one knew why. Gabriel talked to her gave her a whole speel almost like Sam's but more swears because Anna knew that he was being serious when almost every other word was a swear, he told her 'Anna my dear sweet sister if you do this one more fucking time, without a goddamn reason I'll put a fucking straight jacket on you, put you on a fucking dolly, strapped down super fucking tight and make you look like Hannibal fucking Lecter you hear me god dammit, you have plenty of people who fucking love you alright try to leave me and Cassie one more time you know you won't hurt yourself that fucking much without hurting me or Cassie ten times as worse alright so knock your shit off and get better.' Once when Gabriel finished Anna was crying knowing it was true, and then she looked at him he just walked over to her and gave her a hug.

"Alright, and I'm really sorry Gabriel I'm really sorry." Anna pleaded as she returned the hug.

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