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This is the last chapter as you can tell with the title. Imma keep this nice and short.

Where we left off with Destiel they were engaged. Dean and Castiel got married, lived a normal life in Pennsylvania because why not with a white picket fence a lovely two story house, with three obviously adopted children that they loved no matter what. Their names, were, John, Mary, and Hannah and yes they named them after Dean's parents and Cas just liked the name Hannah. They had a little kitten that was full black and had blue eye, which of course was the only acception to why they kept her because it reminded Dean of Cas. Dean was the owner to an auto shop in town, Castiel was an ametuer artist who was a little known.

Jo and Charlie they were together for a few months but they couldn't quite handle each other more than friends so they broke up. Of course they were a little hard feelings with Jo side why? Because she is a girl of many nature who was stubborn. Charlie was perfectly fine with it cause she found someone else which to whom she is married to now during present. But no matter what Jo and Charlie still stayed friends.

Kevin of course he found himself a girl settled down and got married. Kevin had this white picket fence, an apple pie life which he enjoyed so much. Kevin currently lives in Texas because he is Kevin freaking Solo.

Now to Sam and Gabriel they went to Stanford both wanting to become lawyers. Once before they graduated Sam proposed to him, which was the obvious answer for Gabriel was 'of course my moose'. They married after they graduated, they got their rings custom made Gabriel's ring was this silver band with gold wings on the outside engraved on the inside was My perfect sweet angel, Gabriel which of course that line still makes Gabriel blush after all these years. Sam's wedding band was this gold band with silver moose antlers, engraved on the inside was My big caring moose, Sam. When they married of course people questioned the engravings and the symbols they didn't care they actually explained to the people at the reception about what the meaning meant.

Sam and Gabriel adopted a lovely girl and named her Ruby. No significance other than her birthday being in July.

Sam and Gabriel having been lawyers actually had to go against each other in some cases. The people being held on trial were unaware of this but the court system knew they were married. But the court system loved having them face against each other because they were so competitive sometimes.

Many years later after Dean and Castiel passed, Gabriel passed he lived a full happy life and died how he wanted peacefully and of old age. Couple months later after Gabriel died Sam died and written on his gravestone was 'Rest In Peace, Samuel Winchester the person who taught many that Silence is Key'.

If you are confused on why he was the person who taught many that Silence is Key, is that whenever he lost a case he told the people he was a lawyer for is that, "It's okay, if we lose this case because Silence is Key." Sam would tell them that with a big smile and so their case begun.

Sam was known for Silence is Key act, which is saying how it's alright to be silenced because the silence speaks louder than any word or action. Sam would help the people who made the mistakes, he was the lawyer to the people, to the society unlike his lover who was a lawyer for the big companies and businesses. Sure Sam was known with those but he took the cases to help the people, the society that are just the little people.

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