Chapter 16

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I turn around quickly. "Guys, guys, what do I do? What's going to happen? I don't know what-"

 "Guys, guys, what do I do? What's going to happen? I don't know what-"

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I feel a tap on my shoulder and I jump.

She giggles shyly when she saw my reaction.

She is adorable, I'll tell you that.

"Hello, uh, Jungkook?" She looks at me. "You're Jungkook, right?"

I look both ways, then at her. "Yes, I'm Jungkook."

Jimin and Eunhye slowly make their way behind IU. They smile at me and wave teasingly.

I gulp.

"Um, J-Hope said for you to help me with my dancing. I was gone on the first day, you mind showing me something?" IU asks.

Her voice is cute. Her voice is really cute.

"Uh..." I peek behind her and look at J-Hope.

He mouths "yes" multiple times and nods. Jimin and Eunhye throw me thumbs-up.

I look back at her and try my best to smile. "Su-Sure. I don't mind. I' you som-something."

"Awesome. Thank you." IU bows and sits down.

My heart is killing my chest. Ahhhhh omg omg.

I scratch my head and walk in circles.

What should I do? What will impress her?

"Hey, Jungkook!" Eunhye calls. "Do the Manolo dance you showed us yesterday! IU didn't see it, so show it to her!"

Ugh! Eunhye is such an lifesaver!

"That's right." I whisper.

I face her and focus on my feet.

Don't get distracted.

(J-Hope doesn't chime in in this one)

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