Chapter 19

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I grab my purse and storm out of the stupid auditorium.

Thanks for the memory, Jimin.

I stare at the entrance one last time before kicking the door shut.

"Screw feelings." I mutter while I get into my car.

I bite my lip the whole way home.

It was probably for a good reason.

He won't do that.......I think.

I run inside my home and head straight for my room.

I slowly shut my door and stare at myself in the mirror.

Ugh...his lost.

I picture him in my head and I frown. loss too.

This sucks! This sucks so much! No wonder Dramas are called Dramas!

"You know what?" I hold up a fist and storm around my room. "I'm not gonna care. He has his life and problems and so do I! I'm not gonna live like this. I'm gonna go eat AND NOT OVERTHINK!"

I grab my purse again and head out for the café.



"Ok, Grammy! I'm going out!" I open the front door. "With my friends! That I made! At the school, haha! Because I'm not lonely! AT ALL!"

"Ok, honey! Stay safe! And bring me some fried chicken on your way back. I'm craving the meat."

"Gotcha!" I shoot her a thumbs up and slowly back out of the house.

I put on my ear phones and start walking down the street.

I put on my ear phones and start walking down the street

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"And he just left!" I complain while taking another bite of a cookie. "Without a reason!"

"Girl, just forget him. If he treats you that way, you shouldn't even give him another thought."

I slam my drink down. "You know what? You're right. I don't know what I'll do without you."

Pa hands me another plate of cookies. "No problem, dear. Now eat your problems away."

"Cookie...cookie...that reminds me of my friend Jungkook." I say while staring at the cookie.


I turn around and see Jungkook sitting by me with a smile.

"Kookie!!!" I look at the plate of cookies. "These are magical cookies."

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