Chapter Two|~|Loyalty

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"You eat this stuff?!" Saffronpaw looked at her trout in disgust.
"There are worse things you know," commented Smokepaw.
"Yeah, ShadowClan eat frogs!" Woolpaw had a mischievous gleam in his eye.
"Ewwww!" squealed Saffronpaw. "I'm not hungry!" she pushed the trout away.
"If you're sure," Smokepaw pulled the trout towards him and was about to bite in.
"Hey! Why do you the get extra prey?" Woolpaw and Smokepaw started tussling to get the trout.
The dead fish slid along the grass and landed at Ferncinder's paws. The Elder looked at the fish with twinkling eyes.
"Why thank you. But next time try to deliver the fish without a serving of grass," Ferncinder began to eat and the two apprentices glared at each other and began to argue over who had hit the fish over to the elder.
Seedrush let out a chuckle. He was glad he had become a Warrior those many seasons ago.
Saffronpaw came over to him.
"What other prey do you have?" she asked.
"Uh, fish, voles, mice, sometimes a squirrel or a rabbit, birds, maybe grouses,"
"Any chicken?"
"What's chicken?"
"Never mind," Saffronpaw sighed and padded off.

\  ~  /

Later that night Seedrush was on first guard duty for a while.
Dogfang crept up to him.
"How are you?"
"Bored, bored and...........bored," answered Dogfang.
"You can 'get better' you know,"
"Is she loyal?"
"I don't know, we need a battle or something,"
"We can make a fake 'accident'?"
Seedrush looked at the deputy quizzically.
"Someone could fall down a hole and she would have to rescue them?"
"I don't know........."
"I'm going for a hunt anyway. See you!" Dogfang waved his tail and padded into the moonlit forest.
Seedrush sat and thought about Dogfang's idea.
It might work........

Little did he know, they wouldn't need a fake accident to try and prove Saffronpaw's loyalty.

\  ~  /

Tansystar, Saffronpaw and Seedrush padded out of camp and headed for the WindClan border.
"I would just like to apologise for hurting Dogfang," Saffronpaw looked at the ground.
Tansystar and Seedrush exchanged a look and he began to feel uncomfortable.
"I hope he gets better soon,"
"It's okay, I'm sure he will," Tansystar meowed reassuringly while Seedrush remained silent.

They padded along the WindClan border and refreshed the scent markers.
Then suddenly Saffronpaw let out a cry, "Dogfang!"
Sure enough Dogfang's glimmering brown pelt shone from beside the river.
"What are you doing out?" Seedrush trotted over to the deputy.
"I needed some fresh air," said Dogfang.
"Did Chevriltail say you could?"
Dogfang nodded.
Then a loud noise came from the other side of the Twoleg den.
"What's that?" Seedrush asked.
"Wait, it sounds closer now-"
Then a dog burst out from behind a fence and raced towards them. The cats stood, paralysed with fear.
It leapt at Dogfang and then before anyone could do anything Saffronpaw was on it's back, digging her claws into the wiry fur.
Seedrush and Tansystar raced into action, swiping at the dog fiercely.
But the dog managed to get a hold of Dogfang's scruff and he began to shake the RiverClan warrior.
Saffronpaw slid off it's back and suddenly took a flying leap at it's face.
She clung on and the dog let Dogfang go. Throwing Seedrush and Tansystar to the side it began to buck and jump to try and throw the small cat off.
"Let go Saffronpaw!" yowled Tansystar.
And that's exactly what Saffronpaw did.
The apprentice flew through the air and landed with a splash at the edge of the river.
"Saffronpaw!?" they raced to her.
She lay still, sopping wet.
Seedrush nudged her with his nose.
She groaned and looked up at them. "Is it gone?"
"Yes. Come on, let's get you back to camp," Tansystar helped her up and they went back to camp.

\  ~  /

Seedrush was worried when Tansystar called him and Dogfang to her den.
Saffronpaw had still not recovered from her fall a few days before and Chevriltail was extremely upset.
"What is wrong with her?!" exclaimed Dogfang.
"She must be binding something," meowed Seedrush.
"Chevriltail said she was getting thinner, do you think she isn't eating?" Tansystar looked thoughtful.
"That can't be it because I gave her a thrush and when I came back to speak to Chevriltail it was gone so she must have eaten it!" Seedrush said earnestly.
"Let's go inspect the den," Tansystar got up and Seedrush and Dogfang followed her to the medicine den.
Saffronpaw was asleep and Chevriltail was out somewhere giving the three cats time to look around.
When Seedrush finally managed to squeeze into the herb store, sure enough, there was a pile of neglected prey. Including the thrush he had given Saffronpaw.
"She hasn't been eating!" gasped Dogfang. "She could die!"
Seedrush looked at Saffronpaw and only then did he notice her ribs jutting out from under her pelt but her breathing was shallow too.
"We have got to tell Chevriltail!" Dogfang's voice cracked.
Dogfang and Seedrush looked at their leader in surprise.
"What do you mean?"
"We have to get her something she can eat until she gets better. We can't force these things down her throat!"
"Are you suggesting........"
"Going into the Twoleg nest," finished the RiverClan leader.

\  ~  /

Seedrush pulled himself onto the windowsill where he had stood half a moon ago.
Looking into the Twoleg nest he saw the reflecting thing in the corner of the den and a small opening into another cave next to it.
They slid through the window and padded to the hole on the den wall.
There a long enclosed space loomed in front of them.
Then suddenly a voice sounded next to them.
"Well 'ello!"
Seedrush nearly leapt at the voice before he saw it was another cat. A kittypet obviously.
"Well who are y'all?" the fat brown tabby tom lumbered closer.
Tansystar stepped forward. "I am Tansystar and this is Seedrush and Dogfang. Could you tell us where the fresh-kill for Twolegs is?"
The tabby looked confused.
"The place where the uh......"
"House folk," Seedrush whispered in her ear.
"Where the house folk eat,"
"Ohhhhh! I was a littl' confused there!"
Tansystar smiled politely as the kittypet turned down the passage.
"Follow me,"
They walked down the long part of the den before they turned into another part bigger than the last.
It smelt of fresh-kill, something Twolegy and of course Twolegs.
On the bench with her head in a bowl was a black kittypet.
"Oh la la Bear!" she looked up. "Vhere did you get zese cats?"
Bear just shrugged and leapt up to where the black she-cat was.
"I dunno why it would matter, move over Panda," and with that he stuck his head in the bowl.
"Ack! Do not take any notice of 'im. He is quvite unbearable. How can I 'elp you?"
"We are looking for something the house folk would eat," Tansystar answered.
"Ah! But zat is easy! Come here!"
They followed the astonishing she-cat to where a sack of something sat.
"Zis is some cooked meat vfrom last night. Whoever you are giving zis to vill be very happy!"
They took the sack and thanked her.
"Ah, it iz nothing! I am glad I could hvave been of service,"

"She is one surprising cat!" said an astonished Dogfang as they climbed out the window.
"To think a cat could talk like that!" Seedrush exclaimed.
"Come on we can talk later. Let's get this to Saffronpaw," Tansystar urged.
A wonderful aroma was coming from the sack and Seedrush wanted to see what was inside it but he knew they had to get back to the RiverClan camp straight away.

\ ~ /

"Tansystar!" Chevriltail raced up to them. "I don't know what's wrong! Saffronpaw's gone into some kind of sleep! She won't wake up!"
They heaved the sack into the medicine den where Saffronpaw was lying.
She looked as though she had shrunk and was about half her size. Her breathing was deep and she didn't stir.
"Saffronpaw, Saffronpaw," Dogfang nudged the apprentice.
"She looks like she's unconscious!"
"She's not. I know she's not," Chevriltail assured them.
A small breeze flue through the medicine den, sending the wonderful smell coming from the sack around the small cave.
Seedrush noticed Saffronpaw's nose twitch.
What if, just what if...........?

This book will not be coming out fast so don't expect another chapter every day.
I do have a family and a life so even though Wattpad is high on my list it is below other things which need to come first.
Believe me I try to write as fast as possible but my fingers only move so fast.
I have also just started another term at school so I will have homework and more sport.
(I would much rather spend time on Wattpad than doing homework but it's gotta be done.) *sigh*
I am also sorry if there are any mistakes in this book. I do edit my chapters so if you do find a mistake you can tell me but don't be criticising.
P.S. I will try not to put an Author's Note at the end of every chapter so sorry if you find it annoying I will try to cut down.

If a Twoleg Became a Warrior Cat (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now