Chapter Seventeen|~|Helpless

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Dogfang skidded to a halt and watched Seedrush roll down the junk.
When he reached the bottom he remained still.
They thundered down to Seedrush.
When they tried to wake him he didn't obey.
"Seedrush!" Lilypool shook the warrior.
Dogfang looked at the unconscious warrior and saw something that worried him.
"Stop!" he commanded.
Carefully he sniffed around Seedrush. "We need to get him to Chevriltail!"
Seedrush had a terrible gnash in his hind-leg, followed by a deep cut on his head.
"Careful!" Dogfang worried out aloud as Roseheart and Chilli heaved the fallen warrior onto Lilypool's back. They braced her from either side before following him back towards the forest.
When they reached the border they nearly collided with Stripedblaze, (who was now an official warrior) Sandyroot and Hailstorm.
Oh great, though Dogfang. Young warriors.
"You found him," Stripedblaze' mew was flat, showing no emotion.
"Yup," he answered. "Can one of could go ahead and warn Tansystar please?"
"No," Dogfang heard Hailstorm mutter under his breath. Obviously the RiverClan deputy wasn't meant to hear it.
"That wasn't a question, IT WAS AN ORDER!" Dogfang was tired of the young cat's attitude.
In less than a heartbeat Sandyroot, Stripedblaze and Hailstorm were gone.
Dogfang said nothing to Chilli, Lilypool and Roseheart who were looking at him in surprise. They hadn't heard what Hailstorm had said.
After a few steps Lilypool spoke. "What about Chilli?"
"She can come to camp. Drop Seedrush off and leave."
"Uh, are you okay?" Roseheart's ears pricked.
"Fine!" Dogfang replied gruffly.
"And that, is how you end a conversation!" Chilli whispered to Lilypool and Roseheart.
Dogfang sensed the she-cats nodding in agreement.
He said nothing, and neither did anyone else.

They reached camp and were greeted by the warriors. Evidently Stripedblaze, Hailstorm and Sandyroot had done their job.
Chevriltail ushered them into the medicine den and Lilypool carefully lowered Seedrush into a nest.
"I think the cut on his leg is infected," Dogfang informed Chevriltail as the medicine cat began to inspect the wounds.
"Mm," was his only reply.

\ ~ /

Chevriltail dressed and covered Seedrush's wounds carefully and inspected the rest of his body.
His front fore-paw seemed swollen and Chevriltail gave it a little press.
Seedrush groaned and opened his eyes. The warrior opened his mouth and tried to speak, but it only sent him into a coughing fit.
Chevriltail poked his head out of the medicine den and called to Smokepaw, who happened to be passing. "Go get some water soaked moss stat!"
The apprentice shot off.
The small pond in the medicine den had old water in it, as the sun had dried up the small stream that filled it.
Seedrush rolled over and whimpered in pain.
Chevriltail waited for the moss.
Suddenly Stripedblaze sauntered into the den with some dripping moss.
"Smokepaw had to go training."
Chevriltail snatched the moss from the warrior and put it in front of Seedrush. He licked it up and whimpered again.
"What's most painful?" Chevriltail asked gently.
Seedrush showed him his paw. It was the swollen one.
This surprised Chevriltail.
"Are you sure it's not any of the cuts?" he asked.
Seedrush shook his head before passing out again.

Chevriltail didn't notice Stripedblaze still standing at the entrance to the den.

\ ~ /

Seedrush slowly opened his eyes and looked around.
He vaguely remembered being in here but he couldn't put his paw on how he got back to the clan.
Plus, he was exiled, why would they even have him back in the first place?
He heard something going on outside the medicine den.
A clan meeting.
Chevriltail was speaking.
"We have found Seedrush and if it hadn't been for StarClan he would have been dead be now."
There was silence at this.
"The medicine den is out of bounds as of fever, we don't want anyone else catching it."
Seedrush pushed to stay awake but the pain in his paw pushed harder.
His eyes rolled into his head and he fell away from consciousness.

Carefully he rolled over.
He was painfully aware that his cuts and bruises were getting worse.
Plus, his head thumped and all his muscles felt tight.
That night he slipped in and out of sleep.

\ ~ /

Chevriltail sat by Seedrush, watching him twist in his sleep.
He couldn't let him stay in this misery.
"Seedrush!" he whispered and prodded the warrior in his side.
Seedrush opened his eyes and lurched forward onto his paws. He teetered and collapsed onto his swollen stomach.
"Where am I?" the warrior looked around the medicine den, his eyes passing over Chevriltail, looking glazed.
Before the medicine cat had a chance to answer Seedrush flopped to his side and lay there unmoving.
"Leave me be. I know you only got me back because StarClan said so."
"The clan wouldn't have it any other way-"
"And you? You wouldn't have it any other way would you?" Seedrush rasped.
"Seedrush, you're being hysterical-"
"So now I'm the one who doesn't know what I'm doing?!"
Seedrush rose into a crouch.
"No you don't!"

\ ~ /

Chevriltail's words stung like ice but he wasn't going to back down now.
"Fine! If you don't want me here, I'll go!" he swung around and did his best not to stumble and look weak.
"No Seedrush! You're a RiverClan cat!"
"Not anymore."
It was dark out.
He sped up into a run and continued running.
Trees blurred past him and rain started to fall.
After what seemed like forever he slowed.
His feet tripped over each other and his vision blurred.
He remembered his rogue nest had been in a dark tree hollow. He looked for something dark.
Out of the corner of his eyes he saw something dark beneath a tree.
Between the rain and blur it looked like a tree hollow.
He stumbled toward it and slipped in the mud.
The front half of his body hung over the hole and the back half clung to the grass.
Somewhere inside himself something told him that this wasn't his nest. But he had no strength left to move.
Slowly, slowly, he began to slip further.
He was upside down and and felt sick. His muscles burned from the run and he shut his eyes before he relaxed his body and fell.

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