Chapter Fifteen|~|Kittypet Food

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When he woke he didn't know how long he had lain there.
Whether it was for 2 days or less, he could not tell. The pain throbbed in his belly and he went to see if any more of the meat was there.
It had all gone rotten. Evidently he had lain there for a while.
He got up and stumbled. His head was foggy and dizzy.
He looked at himself and saw his ribs jutting from his pelt.
A few days.
He knew he wouldn't be able to hunt like this.
A voice came from the top of a pile of Twoleg stuff.
"Are you all right."
His stomach grumbled.
"You can have some of my food if you like?"
This cat was a dark red with brown patches. Her pelt was groomed and it shon in the sun.
She was a kittypet.
He had promised never to eat Kittypet food in RiverClan but he wasn't in RiverClan anymore was he?
He was so hungry and he wasn't sure if he could go another day without food.
That was probably why he felt so sick. Lack of food.
"Yes please," he tried to pull himself into a firm looking position. He didn't want to embarrass himself.
"This way," she flicked her tail and Seedrush made his way to her.
He managed to push the sick feeling in his stomach away for a while.
"Here," she jumped off a pile of Twoleg stuff and onto a fence. Seedrush did the same with a lot of difficulty.
"This is my nest. If my House Folks see you they'll feed you. Don't worry."
Seedrsuh followed her off the fence and to the back door. She began yowling and meowing before a Twoleg appeared at the door.
He had forgotten how big they were.
The Kittypet rubbed herself against him and continued mewing.
The Twoleg went back into the nest and came out a little later with two bowls of food.
One for the Kittypet and one for him.
The Twoleg put the bowls down and left.
Seedrush's eyes widened as he looked at the food. He had been given this much when used to be a Kittypet.
Now that he looked at her the other Kittypet did seem a tad overweight.
He shook his head.
From living with a clan he had forgotten how glossy Kittypets always looked.
"By the way, I'm Chilli. I'm not hungry so you can have mine."
Seedrush didn't even reply. He stuffed his face into his bowl and then Chilli's, finishing them off swiftly.
She laughed.
"Want anymore?"
He nodded vigorously.

\  ~  /

Chilli lead the wild cat along the fence and to the next nest.
"All you need to do is meow loudly and they'll give you food."

A few moments later the wild cat was back. His eyes looked and little wild.
It was so obvious he wanted more.
She took him to many different houses and he still wanted more.
His belly was starting to bulge and she wondered how much he could eat.
This was going to be interesting.
After a few more houses Chilli could tell he wasn't feeling well.
"I think I'm done," he said.
She only nodded.
"You can have all my dinners if you want. I will go and live with a friend nearby. All we need to do is let them see us everyday and they'll put two food bowls out."
Chilli was surprised at how quickly the tom answered.
"If you want my dinner you can have it," she offered.
"No, I'm okay," came his answer.

\  ~  /

Seedrush eyed the bowl that was set out in front of Chilli.
He had already finished his own.
"Here," she shoved it over to him. It was gone in a few heartbeats.
The sun was beginning to set.
"You can sleep here tonight and have my dinner in the morning. Goodnight," Chilli mewed and went into the nest.
Seedrush did what he was told and settled under the back porch.
He moved about uncomfortably.
His belly felt as though it had knots in it.
He shouldn't have eaten everything so fast.

\  ~  /

He awoke.
His belly was no longer sore and he felt as though he could eat anything.
That morning he had Chilli's breakfast (as she called it) and went on another round of the houses.
That gave him an idea.
One of the times he had seen where the Twoleg had gotten the food.
A big bag behind the door. He went back to that house and squeezed through the cat door. Slowly he gripped the bag in his teeth and pulled it over.
Thankfully it was sealed and he dragged it over the tiles. He squeezed through the cat door backwards and pulled the bag through. It got stuck a few times but after a while it came through.
He dragged it under a bush in the Twoleg garden. Then he let loose. At first he tried to open the top but when that plan backfired he just clawed the bag.
Eventually it opened enough so he could get into it. He pushed himself through. His belly and back got stuck but the bag ripped a bit and he was through.
He pretty much ate everything that was in the bag. And it was a lot.
He noticed he was feeling sick.
He also noticed that the bag seemed smaller.
Frowning he wriggled around a bit.
He couldn't find the hole.
"Oh well," he sighed to himself. "I'll just-yawn-sleep for a while."
He slept for a long time. Long enough for the Twoleg to find the bag, and not him.

Seedrush awoke suddenly.
He was being tossed around.
He could hear Twoleg voices around him.
They had the bag! He was done!
But he soon realised after a while that they hadn't noticed him.
He was thrown around in the bag, he felt sick. For the first time he realised that he was fat. So fat he probably couldn't even walk.

The Twoleg began moving around. He was soon dizzy and his stomach lurched dangerously.
Then suddenly he felt himself being thrown. He gasped and hit the ground (or whatever it was) hard.
There was a slam above him before silence.
He groaned. His leg which the dog had bitten was so painful.
He landed on it and now he could barley stand.
It hadn't been very painful lately and Seedrush had ignored it.
He had to get out. He had to get back to Chevriltail.
He squirmed in the bag, trying to find the hole.
He found it and squeezed his head through.
His shoulders just fitted, as they were broad.
Then he got to his middle. He clawed and pushed and chewed but nothing would help him squeeze through.
Great, just great.
For the first time he noticed it was dark.
Squeezing his head out again he couldn't see anything. The bag he was in seemed to be in another bag or box.
Fox Dung! He cursed.
Suddenly a roaring filled his ears and he nearly fell over backwards.
This monster was big because it was louder.
Seedrush curled into the bottom of the bag and trembled uncontrollably.
Then suddenly the box he was in began to rise. It was jerky and unsteady.
Then things began going upside down and before he could say 'Great StarClan' he was falling through the air at great speed.
He realised he was above the monster, falling into it.
I'm a goner!


I haven't edited this chapter yet so if you find any mistakes just comment please.

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