Chapter TwentyFive|~|Backwards

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I have changed the


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to **** because as you can see cat pic thing is really annoying and glitchy, plus on iPad/Tablet/iPhone if you have your setting of different fonts it changes and looks weird. Sorry, really should have done it earlier.

I have also decided I will update every Monday. (which may result in shorter chapters but I'll see since I've never written to a schedule before - let's see how this goes)

Enjoy this chapter. :)

Weedpaw groggily opened her eyes.

Slowly a cat came into focus. It was the tom that had been in the compartment next to her, Tiger.

"You know you really shouldn't overstay your welcome Weedpaw," he said.

"Like I had a choice," she muttered getting up and beginning to groom.

"Well you shouldn't have chased Marshy."

"He deserved it."

"He would've gotten what he deserved anyway."

"How do you know."

Tiger flicked his tail in the direction of the place the Twolegs entered the room.

There Marshy sat on a ledge hanging from the wall. A few Twoleg things had fallen from the ledge and bellow the ledge sat a small white and brown dog. It's tail wagging madly and it's teeth showing as it looked up at the fat cat.

"It's the boss' new dog. Here to make sure no one escapes," he emphasised 'escapes' while looking pointedly over to the tortoiseshell she-cat's compartment. The entrance way still hung open and half the 'blanket' was falling out.

"She won't come and get you," Tiger answered her silent question.

"Why not?" she puffed out her chest loyally.

"Okay first of all, she's an alley-cat also know as an 'I don't care about anyone else except myself' cat."

"How would you know?" Weedpaw felt as if she was losing the fight.

"Second of all," he ignored her question. "She has been in here many times before. Always manages to get caught when she escapes though. She had also been in here with all her alley-cat friends. When she escaped with them in here she completely ignored them and only helped herself get out."

"Then why did she let me out?" Weedpaw was sure he wouldn't be able to criticise the she-cat with this question.

"Because she obviously thought you would be useful when she heard about you being a 'wild cat.'"

Apparently he could.

"No way!"

"How would you know," this time he asked her the question.

Weedpaw could not answer that question truthfully so there was only one other way to answer a question you can't answer truthfully. You answer untruthfully.

"Because she's my friend."

Smooth Weedpaw, smooth.

"Yeah, sure. I-" Tiger was cut off by a yowl from across the other side of the nest.

One side of Marshy's ledge had slipped downwards, making the ledge lopsided. Marshy was on the higher end of the ledge yowling for help while the dog was bouncing around and yapping excitedly.

Suddenly a Twoleg stormed into the nest. He picked up the dog and shut him out of the room. Then he scooped up Marshy and put him into a compartment, slamming it shut and latching it locked.

If a Twoleg Became a Warrior Cat (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now