Chapter TwentyOne|~|Planning

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Once again Weedpaw was sneaking through the forest to their meeting place. She needed to ask Saffronstem one very important question. She didn't actually know why they had turned her mentor into a Twoleg a few nights ago. And what did it have to do with Harestar?

"Okay so maybe Harestar is a bit over the top..." she muttered and thought back to a previous clan meeting.

"Everyone who can swim please join for a clan meeting!" Harestar had called.

While everyone was gathering Weedpaw saw a flash of grey far between some rushes.

Probably just an apprentice... Was her only thought.

Harestar began to speak. "I have found something that has been missing from our clan and is the reason why I have not yet appointed a new deputy. Stoneclaw has not yet fulfilled his destiny with us yet and that is why-"

She was cut off when Stoneclaw pranced from the rushes and stood there, infront of the whole clan, commandingly. Muttering started but Weedpaw could barely heard it. All she could do was stare at that, sly, cunning, evil, devilish face staring right back at her. She couldn't believe this was happening!

She shivered as she remembered his cold, icy eyes. Now as grey as his pelt. Then she remembered all the punishments he had given her for tripping over his tail, dropping half the bedding into the river and forgetting to apologise to Ferncinder when she had accidentally given her they prey she didn't like. All completely unnecessary punishments.

Weedpaw was the last to arrive at the meeting and looked in surprise at the moon. It was only moonhigh now! Was it a coincidence that all of the older cats had arrived extra early? Probably...

"Now," began Saffronstem. "We need to somehow get Harestar and probably Stoneclaw too out by themselves so we can attack! I think we should-"

"Uh, Saffronstem," interrupted Weedpaw and Saffronstem looked up, half annoyed, half surprised.

"Why, exactly are we attacking Harestar?"

There was a stunned silence.

"Have you not been eavesdropping on all of our conversations and yet you still don't no why we're doing this?" Dogfang asked.

She shook her head.

"We want to overthrow Harestar! Got it!?" Saffronstem meowed. She seemed to be losing her patience.

"Yes, okay, I understand..." she said, stammering as she sensed all of the older cats were a bit annoyed with her.

"Good. Now I suggest that we send a warrior to camp saying we would like to meet Harestar and Stoneclaw in private at the edge of the territory. Then, when they come, I'll be a Twoleg and you can knock them out before I can take them to the RSPCA."

"What's the RSP, whatever, whatever?" Dogfang asked.

"It's a place when they keep any abandonded cats or dogs. Twolegs look after them until they can go to new homes," explained her mentor.

They all nodded, including Weedpaw.

"Everyone understand?" asked Saffronstem.

They all nodded again.

"Now, what time and when are we going to place our attack?"

"We could do it after the coming gathering?" suggested Chevriltail. "Since the gathering is in two nights we could do it two nights afterwards. That way we don't have the pressure of having to make someone leader before the gathering."

If a Twoleg Became a Warrior Cat (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora