Chapter Fourteen|~|Carrionplace

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Saffronpaw tossed and turned.
All the other apprentices were asleep.
The apprentice den felt bigger now that Sandyroot, Asterpelt and Acaciafern were warriors but that didn't stop Woolpaw and Smokepaw from grumbling that she was to fidgety. They had gone to sleep long ago but she hadn't been able to sleep.
Ever since Seedrush had been exiled Saffronpaw had felt she had to do something.
Sure, she had helped him get out of the sand but she felt that he didn't deserve it all.
Of course he didn't do it!
Saffronpaw knew that Seedrush hadn't done it but she didn't know who else to blame.
It couldn't be Harefoot since she was the one who was poisoned.
It couldn't be Tansystar, Dogfang, me, Chevriltail or Autumnstorm.
King or Stoneclaw?
If Stoneclaw is now Harefoot's mate it must have been him protecting her when he went ballistic wanting Seedrush exiled. Stoneclaw wouldn't have done it if he loved Harefoot.
King - why would King do it?
He had acted shocked but he was a clear suspect.
He had seemed unsure about his vote...
Maybe he knew that Stoneclaw was going to react and that most of the clan would want Seedrush gone so he voted to keep Seedrush so no one would get suspicious.
It was unlikely but not impossible.
Then the rest of the clan had voted for him to leave to they were suspects too.
One at a time, Saffronpaw, one at a time...
She drifted off to sleep.

Saffronpaw was shaken awake by Badgerclaw who had come to get Woolpaw.
"What?" she moaned.
He only grunted. She was evidently about to find out.
A commotion came from the clearing.
Stoneclaw was about to loose his head!
"All cats get out there and look for her! Emergency! Harefoot and our kits are missing!"
Everyone froze.
Saffronpaw had never heard Tansystar yowl that loudly. Never.
The leader leapt down from the HighBranch and walked slowly towards the grey warrior.
Saffronpaw was sure she was the only one ever who could make a menacing walk look controlled and powerful.
"You have been acting badly lately. Acting like you can rule this clan. But you can't, I'm leader and I've a good mind to send you the apprentice's den. We will look for Harefoot, but only on my command. You are confined to camp indefinitely. Everyone else fan out around the territory," she said all this in a very low a quiet voice, which, on the other hand, seemed even more scolding than yowling in his face.
Saffronpaw would love it if she gave the disobedient warrior a club on the nose, but she just led the clan out of camp.
Stoneclaw didn't move.
Saffronpaw followed the rush of cats through the forest. She padded behind her mentor Tansystar, trying to pick up scent of Harefoot.
A call sounded near by and they burst from the brush to find Harefoot lying down.
She looked asleep and if it wasn't for the rise and fall of the warrior's flank Saffronpaw might have thought she was dead.
"What's wrong?" Tansystar asked Lilypool and Roseheart, who had obviously found her.
Lilypool shrugged.
Tansystar noses the warrior and Harefoot's eyes shot open.
"My kits?! Where are my kits?!"
"We haven't found them."
"It was him!"
"The rogue!"
Tansystar opened her mouth but Harefoot crumpled to the ground and yowled. She was emotionally in pain.
"Shhhhh, we'll find them," Roseheart settled next to Harefoot and began licking her between the ears in comfort.
The queen's reply was muffled as she buried her head in her tail.
"Okay, now we're just looking for the kits! Everyone-"
"No," Harefoot lifted her head.
"He took them. The rogue took them. I know it. There's no point."
"Are you sure?" Tansystar asked gently.
Saffronpaw opened her mouth but she could smell no rogue.
He probably rolled in some flowers beforehand.
That was a likely possibility.

\  ~  /

Seedrush shuddered as he passed the fence (on the other side) where he dog had bitten him.
The gnash on his hind-leg had become infected and painful.
He wished he could talk to Chevriltail.
Hunting was hard now and he had to make regular trips to the carrion place he had found. He often discovered a rat or crow there. They were usually feeding which meant they were easy to catch.
There was also Twoleg food. He didn't know why the Twolegs threw it out because it still tasted really good. Sure, sometimes it smelled or the texture was weird but that didn't seem to change the taste.
That was where he was heading now.
He opened his mouth and scented a vole nearby. They weren't usually this far from the river but he wasn't going to complain.
He crouched down into an awkward hunting position and stalked forward.
As soon as he had caught sight of the rodent he leapt.
He was off centre and landed badly next to the vole. It was gone in a flash and his leg started oozing blood and pus again.
He got up slowly and began walking to the carrion place on three legs. He had become quite good at this trick.

He picked through the rubble and found a piece of what had a smell of bird on it. It was massive.
This could feed me for a moon!
Seedrush happily dragged it to the edge of the carrion place and ate it. He began to eat slowly, thinking he might be able to savour it. That didn't happen. In less that 10 heartbeats it was all gone and Seedrush didn't move. His belly was full  for the first time since the dog in the park and he felt sleepy. Settling down in the sun he drifted to sleep.
He didn't know how long he slept but when he woke it was still light.
The dusk sunlight fell over the forest and Seedrush felt happy.
Getting up he limped into the forest. He felt oddly still full. Whatever he had eaten felt good and he would have loved more.
When he arrived back at his nest he settled into it.
The soft moss enclosed around him and he let himself be carried into sleep.

He swum happily in the river. It was almost as though he was back in RiverClan.
When his head burst the surface he saw a big tree half submerged in the water.
He dived under but the current caught his body and he slammed against the tree.
He spun around before he found him self being dragged along the sharp stones at the bottom of the river. His belly felt as though it was being stabbed with them over and over a again.

He awoke with a start. Everything was dark outside and he wondered why he had woken up.
Suddenly a spasm caught him body and he writhed and kicked.
His belly bulged a little and pain forced it's way through it. The pain felt like claws ripping their way through his insides. It went through his belly and seemed to stretch all the way into his spine. He curled into a ball and tried to contain the pain in one place but that only pushed it deeper into his belly.
He stumbled into the darkness and limped slowly towards the carrion place.
He thought some food might push the pain away.
When he got there after what felt like a life time he opened his mouth and scented more of the stuff he had eaten that morning.
He stumbled around following the smell.
Then he found a huge pile of the meat.
The wonderful aroma was almost enough to make him forget about the pain in his belly. Almost.
If the smell almost drive it away what would it do if I ate it?
He pulled a piece off the pile and ate it.
By the time he had finished the pain had calmed down and was almost gone.
He drifted to sleep.

When he awoke after and painful night the sun was up.
He stood up and shook. His vision swirled before coming clear again. His felt light and weird. His belly bulged and he wondered how much he had eaten.
Judging by the amount of bones around it was a lot.
He tried to walk to his nest but after a few steps he felt disoriented and began to doubt his sense of direction.
Maybe I'll just have another nappp......
He flopped over and was asleep.

He awoke and the same pain that had been in his belly before was there again.
He remembered the fresh-kill and dragged himself further into to the rubble of the carrion place.
He walked in a crooked line and slumped onto the pile of the food that the Twolegs had left there.
Just for meeee...
He drooled and ate until he could eat no more.
He slumped into a dreaming and wakeful sleep.

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