Chapter Nineteen|~|Anger

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Weedpaw collapsed into her nest. Her lungs burned from the run and her pads were raw. Snaggedthistle had been constantly trying to keep up with her but at one point he had slipped and knocked them both over. He had apologised so many times that Weedpaw nearly yelled at him.
Pinepaw had been at the camp entrance to greet them, he had glared at Snaggedthsitle while he had helped her back to the apprentice den. Not trying to hide his dislike.
"Is there anything I can do?" Pinepaw asked and Weedpaw shook her head.
She couldn't speak because of the cool air that she had breathed in.
They had ended up only getting back to camp at night.
"Are you sure?" Pinepaw hesitated, one paw over his nest.
Weedpaw nodded again. Sometimes she hated it when Pinepaw fussed over her, but right now, she didn't know what she'd do without him.
She drifted off to sleep, exhausted.

She awoke with a jump when she heard Saffronstem calling her. She leapt out of her nest and limped through the vines at the entrance of the den.
Her pads sent pains up her legs. They were still sore from last night and she didn't know how she was going to train.
Saffronstem and Pinepaw, who had just come out of the den, must have noticed her wince because they both frowned.
"Let's go to Chevriltail or Fennelpaw to see what they can do," Pinepaw ushered her away. She didn't resist.

Chevriltail frowned as he treated her cracked pads.
"Come here Fennelpaw," he meowed. "See, just rub this dock gently over her pads. It might sting a bit but it will heal them."
Fennelpaw delicately began to rub her pads while Chevriltail turned to the herb store.
"Who else did Stoneclaw make run?" asked the medicine cat absentmindedly.
"He, WHAT!" Chevriltail turned to face her.
"He made Snaggedthistle and I run."
Chevriltail stormed out of the den and Weedpaw pulled away from Fennelpaw. She put her head outside of the lichen and looked across to where the medicine cat was approaching Stoneclaw.
"Why did you make Snaggedthistle run?!" Chevriltail yowled in Stoneclaw's face.
"He asked me a stupid question," answered the deputy sharply.
"You know what could happen!"
"What?" Weedpaw saw Stoneclaw unsheathen his claws.
He's not going to fight Chevriltail is he?!
"If he gets cut or something it will be infected easily and that could be fatal!"
"Well he didn't did he!?"
"That doesn't mean it could never happen!"
Harestar trotted from her den and saw the row going on in the clearing. She made no move to stop it.
"Just because he's different doesn't mean he can be treated specially!"
"You could have given him a less dangerous punishment!"
"But then he wouldn't have learnt!"
Stoneclaw's hackles began to rise and Weedpaw saw danger. The angered deputy raised his paw to strike Chevriltail before Saffronstem burst from the crowd and hurled herself at Stoneclaw.
"Don't you dare!"
The two cats rolled over and over in a flurry of claws and teeth. Then Stoneclaw hurled Saffronstem across the clearing and the she-cat slithered along the ground before stopping outside the elders den, blood flowing from cuts in multiple places.
Weedpaw pushed through the throg of cats and came to her mentor.
Stoneclaw had advanced towards the yellow she-cat.
"Do you give up yet?" he asked, inspecting his claws.
"Never!" hissed Saffronstem without getting up.
"Well it looks like you're going to have to because you don't seem able to walk."
"I dare to you attack me!" Saffronstem hissed again.
Weedpaw was not going to let this happen!
"Dare accepted!" Stoneclaw leapt at her mentor and in mid air Weedpaw slammed as hard as she could into the deputy.
The force of her push nearly sent her tumbling but she stood her ground.
Stoneclaw looked at her in shock before he snickered.
"Think you're gonna beat me do you?!" he hooked at her legs, toppling her over and then tried to get at her belly. She kicked him hard in the muzzle and rolled over away from Stoneclaw. She could hear cats yowling some distance away but she made no move to stop fighting.
She leapt at Stoneclaw but he moved to the side, she skidded on some reeds and grabbed his tail between her teeth. He swung around and hurled Weedpaw towards the waters edge. Her hind-paws went in and she scrambled fanatically at the bank. Stoneclaw grinned evilly and came up to her.
"Want some help?" he asked and took a reed in his teeth.
She grabbed it and he hauled her up. Then with a big push aimed for Stoneclaw , she was in the water again.
She swum to the surface and saw Stoneclaw about to walk back to the middle of camp.
She grabbed his tail and heaved.
Now he was in the water too.
She had to keep him under.
They wrestled under the water and Weedpaw began to get exhausted.
Stoneclaw must have noticed because he targeted her where she would have to use the most energy. After a while she could barely fight back, then something landed in the water next to her. It was Pinepaw.
He can't fight a full grown warrior! He's only an apprentice! Then how come I was doing so well? ........ Seedrush!! Thank StarClan. I have to get Pinepaw out of the water.
She grabbed her littermate's scruff and dragged him onto the bank.
"Stay there!" she yowled before something pulled at her leg and she went under again.

\  ~  /

Pinepaw paced the river.
When Weedpaw had told him to stay on the bank he had known there was more meaning behind those words than she put forward. So he stayed.
Occasionally Weedpaw or Stoneclaw would come up for a breath. The only other things that showed they were alive was the bubbles and ripples when they fought. Pinepaw couldn't believe Weedpaw was still going.
His thoughts were interrupted when Weedpaw began swimming towards the lake, Stoneclaw hot on her tail. He couldn't imagine what she was doing because there was a strong current down there. All apprentices were forbidden to swim there. Yet there was something about Weedpaw's strength that made Pinepaw wonder if she really was an apprentice.

He ran along the bank next to the two cats.
He tried calling to Weedpaw but his sister didn't answer.

\  ~  /

Weedpaw swam with all her might.
She could hear Pinepaw yowling at her but she had no strength to reply.
Just get to the lake! she told herself.
Then all of a sudden she began to churn her paws faster. There were two reasons for this: One: she had turned a slight bend and had seen the lake. Two: she felt Stoneclaw's teeth graze her tail as he tried to grab it.
The current suddenly took ahold of her and spun her round and round.
She saw the big rock she remembered and clawed her way onto it.
Stoneclaw was swept past her, into the lake.
Pinepaw was on the bank calling to her. "How are you going to get back?"
She didn't answer, instead she focused on the bank to the side of her, bunched her muscles and leapt. She flew through the air and landed. Before she could slip back into the river Pinepaw hauled her up onto the bank.
They walked back in silence.
When they arrived outside the camp cats were pacing.
As soon as they saw Pinepaw and Weedpaw they fired questions furiously.
"Where were you?"
"What happened?!"
"Where's Stoneclaw?!"
Before she could answer her legs collapsed under her and her eyes rolled into her head.
She fainted.

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