Chapter Sixteen|~|Rubbish

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Seedrush expected to be smashed to pieces when he landed but instead it was quite a soft landing.
He scrambled about, trying to stand as upright as he could in the bag.
As he was scrambling the bag finally gave way and virtually split in half.
He gave a deep breath but instead of the refreshing air, rancid air hit his nose, making him cough.
He looked around himself.
He seemed to be in some kind of cave that moved.
The belly of the monster!
He looked around.
There was obviously no way to escape. He would just have to go with the ride.
If he wasn't dead yet that was a good start. Maybe this particular monster liked him and didn't want to eat him.
He debated calling something out, but he decided otherwise. There could be things like rats or other rogues in the belly of the monster too.
Suddenly the monster lurched and Seedrush was flung to the other side of it's belly.
He landed in something smelly and rotten, making his fur stink even more than it did already.
He suddenly had a surging feeling of loneliness. He wished a friend was here, even if it was a Kittypet.
He couldn't believe he had taken for granted being in a clan. Now all he wanted was for them to take him back....

\  ~  /

Cherviltail had finally let the feeling sink in that Seedrush was gone. And now his dreams had brought the cause back again.
He, Tansystar and Dogfang had spent days together trying to find a way to get the warrior back but they couldn't find a loophole.
Once Harefoot had lost her kits everyone thought Seedrush had taken them. Harefoot also seemed certain she had seen him before she was knocked out.
Seedrush wasn't going to be let into the clan easily now.
When Chevriltail had gone to the Moonpool StarClan had remained silent and he hadn't been able to ask them anything.
Now he lay in his nest, looking through the lichen that covered the entrance and up to the stars.
Slowly he began to slip into sleep, thoughts running through his mind...

Chevriltail nearly let out a yowl of joy when he found himself in the StarClan hunting grounds.
He trotted around calling out cat's names but everything remained silent.
He felt himself being pulled into the real world and his heart sank.
He wouldn't be able to talk with StarClan.

Chevriltail regretfully got up from his nest and stretched himself.
The dawn light flittered into the medicine den and Chevriltail pushed away the disappointed inside of his stomach.
He pulled his paws out of the medicine den and continued out of camp.
He decided to gather some herbs.
He found a patch of tansy and bit off the stems carefully before putting them in a pile.
When he had finished he sat down and looked into the lightening sky.
Please give me a sign StarClan.
He bowed his head and as he did so he noticed a stray tansy leaf that had blown from the pile.
There was no wind but the stray leaf flittered back into the pile and settled in the middle.
Chevriltail came out of his trance.
He was ecstatic.
He flipped around and shot back to camp, kicking leaves and mud up behind him.
At one point he slithered on the leaves, sending showers at a hunting patrol that was passing.
They called out to him but he didn't stop, he needed to get back to camp!
He ran into Tansystar when he sprinted through the entrance.
"We need to call a clan meeting!"

\  ~  /

Seedrush cowered in the corner of the monster's belly.
The huge animal seemed to be eating and sending tons of crow-food and Twoleg junk into it's belly.
Seedrush thought monsters were even weirder now because they seemed eat to things that Twolegs had thrown out. Maybe they hadn't ever eaten something fresh.
Showers of foul smelling stuff tumbled into the belly of the monster and landed next to Seedrush, narrowly missing him.
He was bruised and cut from being thrown about and hitting the junk.
The monster was always running and Seedrush wondered if it ever got tired.

Then, all of a sudden, the growling of the monster stopped and Seedrush began to let himself relax.
Then he began to tip.
The monster seemed to be tipping over backwards.
He scrambled around and tried to grab some of the rubbish.
It was tipping too and he slid back.
The sunlight shone into the belly of the monster and Seedrush was blinded for a few seconds.
When he opened his eyes he saw where he was going to fall.
He scrambled and panicked, trying to claw his way higher.
At one point he thought he was making progress when the monster tipped vertically.
He flipped over onto his back and fell.
He twisted in the air and hit the ground hard.

If a Twoleg Became a Warrior Cat (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant