Chapter Three|~|Battle

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"What if the smell will wake her!" Seedrush thought out loud.
"It's worth a try,"
They heaved the sack over to the apprentice.
In less than ten heartbeats Saffronpaw stirred.
"It's not really working,"
"We need to give her more scent,"
"Open the sack,"
They ripped the sack open and out fell what looked like slices of a massive rabbit or something.
Saffronpaw rolled over and her eyes opened.
"You're awake!!" Dogfang pushed the Twoleg food toward her. "Eat,"
Saffronpaw realised what it was and propped herself up weakly.
"Where did you get it?" she rasped.
"The Twoleg nest,"
"Y-you went in?"
"It doesn't matter, just eat," Tansystar insisted.
Saffronpaw did.
After a little while she sat back.
"I'm stuffed!"
You could tell by her voice that she was a lot happier.
"You do realise we can't keep going back to the Twoleg nest for fresh-kill," Tansystar pointed out.
"I know, I just can't eat what you eat,"
"You are going to have to,"
Saffronpaw sighed. "I'll try,"
Tansystar nodded. "We need to get back to the clan, they have been wondering where their leader and deputy have been,"
"Oh! Is Dogfang deputy again?"
"That would be...correct,"
They left the medicine den.

\  ~  /

Seedrush was put into a hunting patrol lead by Badgerclaw with Woolpaw and Vineleaf.
They walked along the Shadowclan border.
"Mouse!" Seedrush pricked his ears and angled them to just before the scent line. He crouched and moved each paw forward, one at a time. He could just see the mouse's tail from under some pine needles that had blown over to the Thunderclan side of the border.
Then he pounced.
Before he knew what was happening he hit another cat and realised as he got up that it was Nutcrack of ShadowClan.
"What's your problem!" hissed the brown tom.
"Why are you hunting in our borders?!" Seedrush hissed back. Just then two other cats emerged. They were Shiverfur and Lionclaw.
"We are on the scent line not in your border!" Lionclaw backed up Nutcrack.
There was silence for a few moments while the seven cats glared at each other.
"Stay-away-from-the-border," Seedrush growled quietly and took a step forward.
"What! Are you trying to say the whole border is yours now?!" Nutcrack stepped forward so they were nearly nose to nose.
"That's not what I said!" Seedrush was losing patience.
"Well it's what it sounded like!"
Seedrush growled loudly and that aggravated Nutcrack even more.
"Oh no! I'm so scared! Well I'm not going to run away like a cowered because that's what your clanmates do when someone growls at them!" Nutcrack jeered.
Seedrush leapt at Nutcrack and whacked him over the nose.
The brown tom hissed and scratched him down the side.
While they tussled Seedrush noticed that the others were fighting too and managed to tell Woolpaw to get help.
The apprentice raced off and Seedrush continued fighting.
He slipped to the side tried to land on Nutcrack's back but the ShadowClan warrior moved and he only managed to grab his haunches.
Nutcrack reared and the two of them toppled over backwards.
Nutcrack landed heavily on Seedrush's chest and right fore-paw, making him gasp in agony as pain shot through his chest.
Nutcrack didn't move and Seedrush tried to push him off but the tom just laughed.
"You can't get the better of me!"
Seedrush panicked and began to thrash his legs and tail back and forth.
Nutcrack's tail lay in front of him and with all the effort he could muster he bit down on the tom's tail.
Nutcrack yowled and leapt off him in time for Seedrush to see more of his clanmates appear and chase the ShadowClan warriors off.
Seedrush still lay on the ground, waiting for the pain in his chest to go away.
Harefoot came up to him. "Seedrush?"
He couldn't managed to muster any strength to answer the she-cat.
"Hailstorm!" Harefoot called to her brother. "Help me with Seedrush,"
"No," Seedrush croaked. "I'm fine," he scrambled up and managed to push the dull pain in his chest away.
Harefoot stayed by him the whole way back to camp and Seedrush tried to stand up straight with his head high even though the pain in his chest pulled and throbbed.
Chevriltail looked over him when they got back to camp.
He treated the scratch on his fore-paw and flank but he didn't notice anything else wrong.
When he left the medicine den Seedrush sighed in relief at the thought that Chevriltail hadn't noticed his chest.
It'll probably go away today.
That night he settled in his nest and convinced himself that it would be gone tomorrow.

\  ~  /

Fernfall prodded him in the side and a searing pain went through his chest.
"You're on dawn patrol!"
"Coming," he pushed himself up with his fore-paws. His chest protested and he had to slouch to make the pain leave.

Fernfall and Smokepaw were waiting for him at the camp entrance.
"Come on," Fernfall padded lightly out of camp with Smokepaw on her tail.
They swam across the river, luckily they went through a shallow place and Seedrush could more or less touch the bottom most of the time.
When he submerged his chest in the water it seemed to freeze up and he had to breath fast to make it across the river.

\  ~  /

They arrived back from dawn patrol and Seedrush was in so much pain he nearly collapsed.
"Are you okay?" Saffronpaw asked him when she found him wheezing in the warriors den at sunhigh.
"Yes, yes, just got a fish scale stuck in my throat," answered Seedrush, not looking at her.
"Well it's obviously a big scale," the apprentice answered and walked off.
Seedrush let out a small sigh which hurt him even more.

That night he had a mental argument with himself.
You have to tell Chevriltail!
But he might take you out of duties!
The Clan needs a healthy warrior!
I am healthy!
You're not!
I just need another day!
Don't you think that if it was going to get better in a day it already would have?!
Another day and I'll be fine!
And what if you're not fine?!
As soon as this thought occurred to him he focused on his breathing. He did not want to think about what would happen if he wasn't going to be fine.

If a Twoleg Became a Warrior Cat (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now