Chapter TwentySix|~|Twoleg After Twoleg

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I have started writing another book so my goal is to publish a different chapter of each one every week. Sorry about that but I hope that if I can I can fit everything in. I would really love it if you could go and read my new book "To be a Knight". Thanks!

Tiger cleared his throat. "You two need to make a lot of noise. When the human sees you both in the cage he will open it to put you," Tiger indicated at the tom. "Into another cage. When he opens the door you will both fling yourselves at the door. Then you can escape."

"And why didn't we do this when they gave us our food?" Weedpaw asked.

"Because if there's only one of you then they can catch you easily."

Weedpaw doubted this was going to work but it was worth the try. Anything to get out of this StarClan forsaken place.

"So what do we do?" asked the tom.

Weedpaw rolled her eyes. "Weren't you listening? We have to kick up a fuss!"


"Well? What are you waiting for?!" Tiger asked.

Weedpaw started off with and yowl and the tom followed with lots of hisses.

Above the commotion Tiger began yowling instructions.

"Weedpaw, you attack the human. When he's out of the cage the Twoleg will be distracted for a moment and you have to get out as soon as you can."

Weedpaw nodded and lunged for the new tom, pretending to rake her claws over his flank. She continued hissing, spitting and yowling while he followed her lead.

Suddenly the door opened and a Twoleg walked in, looking furious.

When he saw the two cats fighting in the same cage he let out what sounded like a string of curses and Weedpaw watched him out the corner of her eye while she pretended to leap onto the tom's back and roll off hissing.

He opened the cage and Weedpaw threw all her might into the push on the door. It flung wide and the tom leapt onto the floor. The Twoleg exclaimed and was about to shut the cage when she threw herself at him.

She managed to claw his hand before she fell to the floor and launched herself towards the entrance. The other tom was nowhere to be seen and she slipped and slithered on the smooth tunnel floor of the Twolegnest. She could hear the Twoleg thundering behind her.

There were many other tunnels leading off the tunnel she was on but she was reluctant to go down any of them in fear of a dead end.

Suddenly another Twoleg jump out from a tunnel and Weedpaw scrabbled along the floor. She lost her grip and went spinning through the Twoleg's legs and down the passage. She tried to grip on the floor by digging her claws into it but it only made her slip even more.

She could hear about four Twolegs behind her now and she finally managed to push herself up and get a enough grip to control her direction.

Weedpaw looked up and saw something that lightened her heart. A way out!

There was a big box in front of the opening and she ran and took a flying leap. Her front paws landed and she quickly scrambled the rest of the way up. She leapt at the opening and pushed it open hurriedly.

She felt a Twoleg's big pink paw whisk past her flank as it tried to grab her and without looking she jumped from the window.

Weedpaw twisted in the air and landed upright on hard Twoleg stuff that they covered the ground with.

Weedpaw found herself in an alleyway and she ran towards the Thunderpath she could hear and smell. If there was a Thunderpath there was a way to run away. She just didn't want to be anywhere near this prison.

If a Twoleg Became a Warrior Cat (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now