Chapter Ten|~|Dead or Alive

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Seedrush found himself at the Island.
Have I been swept onto the Island?
His fur was dry and he felt strong, with no injury.
He looked around and saw many cats gathered, they were all bright and starry.
RiverClan's leader before Tansystar was Shiningstar.
Seedrush could see Shiningstar's pelt through the throng of cats, it was moving towards him.
The former leader came up to him and they looked into each other's eyes.
"Am I," he gulped. "Am I dead?"
Shiningstar nodded sadly, "But, just this once, we need you to go back to your clan."
StarClan can't  make me alive again, can they?
Shiningstar flicked his tail and the most recent but dead leaders of the other clans appeared.
There was Rushstar of WindClan, Shallowstar of ShadowClan and Barkstar of ThunderClan.
They made a ring around him with their tails and bowed their heads.
Shiningstar muttered something and he dropped. Falling towards the ground.
He landed and he didn't seem hurt.
He recognised this as the place Harefoot had attacked him.
The river ran peacefully as though nothing had ever happened and on the other side he saw his body.
He noticed as he was swimming that the body he was using now was starry.
He pulled himself out of the river and touched his body.
There was a flash of light and he became the body.
Every strand of fur on that body was him now.
He lay there and didn't get up.
He wondered where Harefoot was.
Maybe she ran away? Maybe she was going to go back to the clan like I just disappeared.
These thoughts ran through his head before he was interrupted by voices.
"I'm not sure I believe that Seedrush is dead."
It was Saffronpaw.
"Well Harefoot was pretty sure," the voice of Hailstorm grumbled.
"She said he was swept away in the current, not dead, plus he is a RiverClan cat," that was Fernfall.
The patrol came near and Seedrush shut his eyes, acting as though he was unconscious or dead.
The patrol reached the bank on the other side before Saffronpaw saw him.
"S-Seedrush," she leapt into the water and propelled towards him.
He could hear the others following.
When they got to the bank Saffronpaw nosed him.
"Is he alive?"
Seedrush tried to make his breathing a little more obvious.
"He's alive!"
"Saffronpaw run back to camp and get some more cats to help," Fernfall ordered.
Seedrush heard splashing.
"Hailstorm help me roll him over," Fernfall continued.
Hailstorm and Fernfall rolled him over and he started coughing for real.
He coughed up water, his throat heaved in pain.
When he had finished he nearly whimpered like a kit.
"Seedrush! Seedrush, can you hear me?!" Fernfall called into his ear.
He nodded and opened his eyes.
Hailstorm looked into his eyes.
"What happened?"

\ ~ /

King knew his catmates didn't get on with the wild cats that lived round here.
But King knew some things about the wild cats.
They were wild, the caught their own food, they lived in clans around the lake and the clans had territories.
He also knew that ShadowClan called the cats he lived with Kittypets.
So that means I'm a Kittypet. Which means they won't like me. What if I try a different Clan? Like the one near the river? Maybe they'll like me?
He made his way along the ShadowClan border and soon came to the road. Making sure there were no cars, he crossed the road and a strong fishy scent hit him.
This must be the Clan border!
I'll wait here until a patrol-thing comes along and I'll ask if I can speak to their.....chief.

\  ~  /

Tansystar sat on the HighBranch.
She was worried.
None of the patrols had found him yet.
"Tansystar!" Saffronpaw skidded to a halt in front of her.
"Did you find him?" she leapt to her paws.
Saffronpaw nodded breathlessly. "H-he' the - river!"
Tansystar looked at the remaining warriors. "Stoneclaw, Pebblenose, Autumnstorm follow Saffronpaw, I'm right behind you. Harefoot you stay here."
She also nodded at Chevriltail and they thundered out of camp leaving some apprentices.

She didn't notice the look of pure shock on Harefoot's face.

By the time they arrived on the other side of the river Seedrush was standing, leaning against Hailstorm.
"Stoneclaw, Hailstorm, Fernfall and I will get him across the river. Saffronpaw, Autumnstorm and Pebblenose swim near by, just in case," Tansystar looked at Chevriltail. "Make sure he has enough strength."

\  ~  /

Seedrush let himself be lead across the river.
He had managed to avoid the question from Hailstorm. After all Harefoot was his sister.
All in all he was feeling okay. His quick journey to StarClan had strengthened him and he would have been able to swim by himself if his clanmates had not been fussing so much.
There was still one thing nagging in the back of his mind.
Why did Harefoot go back to RiverClan when she doesn't like it?

\ ~ /

The answer to that question was right in front of his nose.

\  ~  /

King sat there for a long time.
No cat came at all.
He sighed. "I'll come back tomorrow."

\  ~  /

Seedrush enjoyed the look of horror and shock that came onto Harefoot's face as he entered camp.
Obviously to make sure no one suspected anything Harefoot ran up to him and touched her nose to his.
"I'm so glad you're okay!" she meowed but Seedrush knew there was different meaning behind those words.
Sure enough as she walked away he heard her snarl, "You're fresh-kill."
Seedrush felt like throwing himself at her but he knew she would win. He was very weak from 'dying'.
They exchanged glares before he was shuffled into the medicine den.
"Where have you been?" Chevriltail asked absentmindedly.
"It's a long story...."
"I'm listening," Chevriltail turned to look at him.
Seedrush knew that if he could trust anyone it was Chevriltail.
"You see-"
"Chevriltail could you check this scratch? I think it might be infected," Harefoot barged into the medicine den and Seedrush instantly knew what she was trying to do.
Fine, we'll play it that way. I'll just find a better way to expose you.
Not like anyone's going to believe me anyway.

Harefoot glared at him on her way out and as Chevriltail turned to speak to him he curled into a ball and pretended to be asleep in the nest of moss.


Small Quiz:

1. Why did Harefoot go back to RiverClan?

2. Why did Harefoot barge into the medicine den?

Please answer in comments.
They are pretty easy when you think about it.

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