Chapter Nine|~|Trickery

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Harefoot felt Seedrush pick her up gently and somehow manage to get her on his back
She smiled.

\ ~ /

Seedrush came to the river and wondered how he was going to get Harefoot across.
He lowered her to the ground and grabbed her by the scruff. He submerged himself and started propelling towards the other side.
Suddenly he heard Honeydrop's voice.
"Let her go..."
He couldn't reply because he had Harefoot by the scruff and he debated whether to let the she-cat go or not.
Honeydrop's theory's had worked up to now hadn't they?
He let Harefoot go.
She immediately disappeared under the water but before she did he heard Honeydrop say,
"Don't look back,"
He didn't.
He got to the other side of the river and then looked back.
Panic started to rise.
Where is she?!
The all of a sudden her head appeared out of the water.
Seedrush ran to her.
She coughed and spluttered.
"Are you okay?"
She looked up at him. "The pain!" she rasped before crumpling to the floor.
For the first time he noticed she had scratches and sores all over her.
Her breathing was shallow and he looked around desperately.
The sun caught his eye. It was morning.
He couldn't go back to RiverClan camp like this! They would think he had been doing something bad.
Honeydrop's voice whispered in his ear. "Run away and hide with Harefoot, come back to RiverClan when you're ready."
He looked at the ground.
He didn't have anything to stay for did he?
He had no kin.
Or good friends.
He nodded and said out loud. "I will."
He picked up Harefoot by the scruff and purposefully trotted upstream.

\  ~  /

Harefoot stirred on his back.
He had made good progress and was well out of the territory now. The sun was high enough for sunhigh and it beat on their backs through the trees. The trees were getting thinner and thinner.
He stopped in a small grove with a stream running through it.
This was perfect.
He lowered Harefoot onto the ground.
"What is it?" he asked.
"Water please?"
Seedrush scraped up some moss and dipped it in the water before giving it to her.
She lapped at it.
"Where are we?"
"Uh...I..I thought we could live here for a while," he gulped.
She looked around. "It would need a little clearing, but other than that it's beautiful."
"Better than RiverClan?"
"What's RiverClan?"
He looked at her shocked. "D-don't you remember RiverClan? With Tansystar and Dogfang and your brother Hailstorm."
"I don't have a brother! Plus, you're the only boy in my life."
Seedrush gave a halfhearted purr, this is not what he thought love would be like.
"Harefoot I-" Seedrush started.
"Harefoot! Er! I just realised what a terrible name that is!" she interrupted him.
"Well I think Harefoot and Seedrush are nice names."
"No, no, no, we are rogues remember."
Seedrush suddenly saw Honeydrop standing there instead of Harefoot.
We are rogues. We are rogues. We are rogues.
"Yes," he said. "We are rogues!"
Harefoot smiled. "So we need better names."
He nodded.
"How about you as Crow and I as Eagle."
"Uh, sure, whatever you say."
"Thankyou," she licked him on the cheek.

\ ~ /

Seedrush sat watching the moon a few nights later.
This didn't feel right to him. He wanted to go back to RiverClan.
He looked back at Harefoot.
She always called him Crow but secretly he held onto his RiverClan name.
He never truly accepted being a rogue, it didn't feel right.
I could run away and join RiverClan again!
The thought popped into his head and he thought about it.
He couldn't leave Harefoot here.
Then a doubt crept into his mind.
I wonder why Honeydrop looks exactly like Harefoot? I wonder why I haven't seen Honeydrop since I fell asleep in the poppies - The poppies!
He knew poppies sent people to sleep and he remembered not really going to sleep.
Something snapped in his mind and he grasped it before it slipped away.
Harefoot was Honeydrop!
Then anger crept in. How could she?!
He growled and resisted the instinct to claw Harefoot then and there.
Hadn't she THOUGHT what is would be like for him? How could she think they would truly have love if he was forced to love?
His growl became a yowl and a rustle sounded behind him.
"Crow?" Harefoot sat up.
"That's Seedrush to you!"
She looked shocked.
"What are you talking about?"
"I know you remember RiverClan and I know you tricked me! How could you?! If you truly love someone you want them happy!! Not yourself! I thought you knew that!? I'm going back to RiverClan!"
"No! No please?!" Harefoot stood up. "I love you! Please! We were perfect!"
"You were perfect, you mean!" he stood up and started to prance out of the grove.
Claws seared down his back and the two of them rolled over before Harefoot pinned him down.
"I only did it because I was desperate!" she pressed on his throat. "I only wanted to feel noticed!"
Seedrush tried to rasp that she was choking him but she wasn't listening.
"In RiverClan it was always Hailstorm this, Hailstorm that, nothing about his poor, little, weak sister who wasn't strong enough to become a medicine cat, let alone a warrior! That's what they said Seedrush. They said I could never help the my clan!"
Seedrush's vision went blurry as she crushed his wind pipe.
He struggled and became so desperate he unsheathed his claws and scored them on her shoulders.
Her weight lifted and he shot up before streaking into the undergrowth, he could hear her chasing him.
He had often come to look into RiverClan territory and he sprinted towards the river.
He leapt in and churned his paws wildly. Unfortunately Harefoot leapt further and grabbed his tail.
They were both pulled under and Seedrush thrashed everywhere, trying to get her off him. Her eyes were wild and vicious.
She hit him in the neck and he hit her in the belly.
He couldn't get much force as they were underwater and she had the advantage, being closer to the surface.
She bit down on his tail and yanked hard.
His body snapped around like a wave and his head hit a rock.
His vision went crazy and his head went fuzzy, he fought to keep consciousness and when he could finally see he saw Harefoot had brought back to the surface.
He gulped air thankfully before she pounced on him.
"If you become my mate I won't hurt you," she threatened.
"Never!" he hissed.
She pushed him further into the water.
"One last chance."
She pushed him under and held him there, pinned to the pebbles and sand.
He thrashed his legs but couldn't manage to hit her.
He held his breath and didn't waste his energy.
Stay alive!
He clenched his jaws shut and focused on the surface.
His lungs screamed for air.
Instinct told him to open his mouth and take a breath of anything. Even if it was water.
He tried harder not to take a breath but he was about to suffocate.
Then suddenly he didn't have a choice because Harefoot wrenched his jaws open and water flooded down into his throat. He couldn't stop it.
He tried to pull air in but all he got was water.
It filled his lungs and he was swept away with the currant.

\  ~  /

Seedrush had finally stopped struggling and through the surface Harefoot saw his expression turn to one of horror before he went limp.
Harefoot smiled wickedly and she let him be swept along with the current.
If she couldn't be happy neither could he.


This is not the end there will be more!

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