Chapter Two: One Step at a Time (Part One)

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Chapter Two: One Step at a Time

PART ONE--Welcome to the World

"So, how did it go?" Carmin asked Phoebe while wolfing down her sandwich.

" I don't know. It's just, I was really nervous and scared that I might mess up big time."

"Relax, Phoebe. Chill. You already passed the first stage. Your article was among the chosen fifty and now, you're at the interview level. You'll make it. I just know they'll pick you."

   Phoebe made a face.

"Me? Pick me? Among the fifty more intelligent and wealthier kids than me? You've got to be kidding me."

"You're better than all of them combined."

"Yeah right, what ev. Besides, can you imagine my chances of winning against these people? Uh, next to zero! My chances aren't even slim, it's absolutely none!"

"How could you be so negative at times like this?"

"How could you be so postive at times like this?" Phoebe wailed miserably. "Oh I know, because you're not in my shoes." She pouted.

"Hey, where's the fierceness in you? Where's the tiger who's ready to pounce at anyone who blocks her path and shred them to pieces? Where's the fighter?" Carmin encouraged.

Phoebe shrugged.

"I don't know. Hiding or something."

Carmim held her friend's hand.

"Look at me strange in the eyes and tell me you can do it."

"I can't."

"Yes, you can! Phoebe, this is the first step in accomplishing your lifelong dream and damn it you're not going to screw this all up! Do you understand me?"

"I know," Phoebe said helplessly,"but see, at times like this I feel so powerless...."

"You're the best, Phoebe. Own it."

   Phoebe looked at her determined friend and somehow managed to radiate the same determination and confidence in her. She calmed herself down and looked at Carmin in the eyes.

"I am bold and fierce. I can do this because I am capable of everything. I am a tiger that can never be stopped, and I will tear anyone apart if he blocks my way. I'll rip his heart out and drink his blood fresh.

Carmin smiled, not hiding her satisfaction.

"Now that's my girl."

The girls continued munching down on their snacks. Phoebe looked at her watch and then frowned. Carmin read the signal.

"Time's up already?" she groaned. Phoebe exhaled deeply.

"Yeah. Well, time to face the results. I'll just brace myself for the bad news."

"Oh, c'mon. You can do it. Let's go!"

"Yeah, right. Here goes nothing."


   Phoebe ran swiftly along the hall, heading towards Carmin's locker. Breathing heavily, she spotted her friend talking to a man, which she completely ignored due to the

overwhelming need to announce the good news.

"Carmin! Carmin!" Phoebe shouted, losing all her poise.

   Carmin was startled as her friend held on her shoulders for support.

"Where did you run, the Olympics?" she asked. "Oh, by the way, Phoebe. This is Clyde, my brother."

   Phoebe gave little attention to Clyde and managed to muster a "hello" before facing Carmin again.

"You won't believe what just happened," Phoebe giggled.

"Why? What happened?"

   Phoebe rumagged in her bag and pulled out a dog-eared letter, probably due to Phoebe's excitement that she held the poor piece of paper with no care.

"You see this letter?" Phoebe said as she crumpled it more, releasing her excitement to the poor thing. Carmin cocked an eyebrow.

"Well, yeah. Of course, I'm not blind."

"This is the letter that confirms that I got chosen as a contributor for Cosmo! Ahhhh!!!!!"

    Carmin opened her mouth in amazement.

"You've got to be kidding me... Oh my gosh!!!! Ahhh!!!!"

   The hall was filled with the girls' screams. Clyde slowly exited, feeling out of place with all the giggling and screaming and jumping happening.

"Let's go somewhere more private and spill the beans, got it?"

"Got it!" Phoebe squealed.

   The duo elbowed their way out and found a quiet spot at the University's garden and settled there. Phoebe can't stop jumping and doing a happy dance to the point that Carmin had to pull her down to calm.

"This is the best day ever, Carmin. THE BEST DAY EVAH!!!" Phoebe said, dreamy-eyed.

"I know right? Now, tell me EVERYTHING. And don't you dare miss a detail."

"OK, all right. So, there I was, about to go to my next class when Will, my seatmate, went to me and told me that prof James wanted to see me. Of course, I know exactly that it's about the article and I already prepared myself for the worse. I sat on the visitor's chair and then he pulled out a folder and then this letter and then he told me I was chosen and then the only thing I need to do was to fill up the papers and pass my requirements to make my internship official! Boo yeah baby!"

"O-M-G, you lucky,lucky girl! I told you you'd freaking make it!"

"I did! I'm feeling like a queen bitch right now. Who's laughing now,huh? Me! Haha! I'm going to take over the world!"

   Carmin laughed as Phoebe made an impression of a powerful dictator.

"Chillax, girl. You're just a contributor, not some conqueror."

   Phoebe sticked her tongue out at her friend.

"Oh, just? I'm a contributor for Cosmo, and that's anything but just."


Read!!! Read!!! Read!!! Read!!!

This story is pure fiction. I've got no relation to Cosmopolitan. And.... what do you think about the story? If you have any comments and suggestions, don't be afraid to inform me. And about the romance part, it's coming very, very, soon. But it will not focus on the sexual aspect. We'll get there. The romance part is kinda immature, more of college-y romance. Although there will be 'close calls' and some 'sexual tensions', which, I think, is normal.

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