Chapter Thirteen: The Night Before and The Morning After

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Chapter Thirteen: The Night Before and The Morning After

   A family reunion for her beloved cousin's wedding is the last thing Phoebe needs. She was too hard-headed to admit to herself that she was just too bitter and hasn't still accepted the fact that Steve was just a big, fat, hairy monster/ liar.

   She let her hair loose and opted for loose waves. A sunny dress that hugged her curves is what she chose to wear, not because it emphasizes her tan, but because it masked the cold grief lingering inside her. She's not even sure if she can take to see a happy, soon-to-be-wed couple. Not in her state.

   And it went quite well. The reunion was smooth, and no emotional outpour of her hatred happened. Just the usual kiss and hug and I'm-so-happy-for-you-you're-getting-married thingy.

   As when meeting the groom-to-be, Phoebe was a little skeptic about Gabriel. She had always been picky of guys, to the point where she interfere's with her cousins' decision making in relationships, mostly because she's an only child. Somehow, she just kept on picking the wrong guys for herself. Ironic, since she's known for giving great advices about love even before she had a boyfriend.

   Katherine was so eager of introducing Gabriel to Phoebe that she kept on giggling everytime. What got Phoebe is that Kath and Gabriel seemed so happy, so perfect; like nothing in this wretched world could separate them. She didn't fail to notice the frequent pecks and kisses.

   I've never experienced anything like that. I never had that.

   Phoebe can't help but be jealous of her cousin's newfound happiness. She had always gotten a better grade than Kath. She chased her dreams; Kath chased her favorite actors. She made money; Kath worked 9 to 5. She's lonely; Kath is getting married.

Phoebe stopped herself from making sarcastic remarks, a bad habit she does whenever she wants to feel better, kill the joy whenever she's getting insecure, or just to irritate someone.

   She reminded herself that her cousin's happiness must come first now. It's Katherine's wedding, and all she can do is be there and support her for one of her most life altering moment. She nodded and smiled like an angel.

   After witnessing the painstaking PDA of the couple, Gabriel left politely to let the cousins talk.

"So, the wedding's theme is pink and black. I don't care if people think that black is bad luck, it pops with pink. It's really my favorite color combination. And you'll be my maid of honor."

   Great. Just fantastic.

"Oh, cool. Great," was all that Phoebe could say.

"And then it's going to be a church wedding, 'cause it's really important for me to be held in a sacred place. Oh my gosh this is so exciting, isn't it?"

"Of course. I bet it it!" Phoebe said, trying to mimick Katherine's happy tone but falling short.

"You don't look so happy," Katherine complained.

"Of course I'm happy. It's just, you know, I'm your maid of honor and I've got nothing to wear."

"Silly you, of course you'll be wearing a pink gown with black belt around your waist. I already chose you a gown. It's really pretty! But mine's prettier, of course."

"Great! You're really efficient at planning your own wedding, huh?"

"It's going to be a blast!"


   It was the day of the wedding, twenty-third of June. Gabriel told Katherine that he wanted her to be a June bride. Of course, Katherine was so ecstatic and thought of it as sweet.

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