Chapter Twenty-One: Keeps Getting Better

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Chapter Twenty-One: Keeps Getting Better

   She was running late. There had been so much work to finish that she struggled to make it to meet Alex.

   Phoebe retouched her makeup and changed clothes at such lightning speed. She even hurried and cut along the road just to make it in time. Not like it's even a date.

   Alas, after going through all the obstacles, she finally arrived at the coffee shop where they last met. She checked her reflection at the mirror. Hmmm, not so bad.

"You made it," Alex greeted. He was wearing a rather stylish long sleeves folded up to his elbows. And yes, he doesn't look like a struggling writer at all.

   Phoebe beamed a smile.

"Yeah, I did. Barely though."

   Alex expression changed from light to symphathetic for a second.

"Why? 'There a problem?"

"No, just the normal 'work piling up' thing."

   Alex shrugged.

"T'least you've got a job."

"There you go again. Can we just get inside? It's really more comfortable to talk inside."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry." Alex chuckled and opened the door. He moved aside. "Ladies first," he gestured.

"Thank you," Phoebe said feistily.

   They settled at a table near the glass windows. Alex signaled the waiter to hand them the menu.

"One coffee latte for me, and give the lady anything she wants."

"I'll take a hot choco fudge."

   The waiter took their order and headed away.

"So, you like looking outside while you eat?" Phoebe asked.

"I like observing people. And I don't like being near lots of people."

"Oohhh, the quiet type."

"No, not really. I just prefer relaxing places. Not too much noise and buzz."


"How 'bout you? What do you like to do?"

"Me? Well, I don't like being with lots of people either. I like watching movies, reading, arts... And I love to dance."

"You do?" Alex asked, a little amused.

" I 'do' what?"


   Phoebe looked a little offended.

"Are you telling me that I don't look like someone who can dance?"

"No! No, I didn't say that."


   Their orders arrived. As the waiter distributed their orders, he made eye to eye contact. Phoebe accidentaly brushed her fingers to the waiter's as she got her drink.

"Ahem," Alex cleared his throat. "I believe that's all your business here, and it's time for you to go now," he looked at the waiter's name plate. " Trevor."

   Alex gave Trevor a dagger look before the waiter huddled away. Phoebe raised her eyebrow.

"That's rude."

"It fits him."

"He's just doing his job," Phoebe argued.

"Batting his eyelashes on costumers is not a part of his job."

   Alex looked pissed.

"Okay. Jeez," Phoebe said before mixing her drink and taking a sip. "Mm, anyways, let's get down to business."

   Alex got a folder and handed it to Phoebe.

"These are sample articles about car models and these are about events."

"Great. Very professional. Well-written. Hmmmm.." Phoebe said while scanning his works.

"Great job!" she finally said and closed the folder.


"No, really. I wonder why nobody's picking you."

   Alex just shrugged.

"So, I'll keep things short n' sweet. I'll submit this tomorrow. You'll get the result as early as the next day."

"Sound's great."

"I just have a question, though."

   Alex cocked his eyebrows.

"You didn't use your name here. Your real name."

"There's this thing called freedom, and another thing called pen name. When you put these words together with the pronoun 'I' and the transitive verb 'have', you'll form a sentence that says 'I have the freedom to write under a pen name."

"Mr. Smarty-pants, you forgot to mention the usage of articles 'the' and 'a', the prepositions 'to' and 'under', and the verb 'write'," Phoebe teased and leaned closer.

"Well, pardon me, Ms. Smart 'n sexy," Alex teased back.

   Phoebe found herself staring through his chocolate brown eyes.

"Sooo," she said and withdrew. "That settles it then. Your contacts are here. I'll give you a call."

"Calls are very unprofessional."


"I prefer a meet up," Alex said, crossing his arms in front, making his biceps flex.

   Phoebe caught sight of this but quickly diverted her stare to Alex's face.

"A meet up."

"Two days from now."

"A meet up it is," Phoebe confirmed after checking her schedule. She knew in herself she'd drop everything for Alex. How pathetic. And childish.

"Great. I'll get to choose the place," he winked.

   Phoebe chuckled.

"It's your call."

"So, I'll pick you up at six."

"Got it."

   A new waiter arrived to give their bills. Phoebe was about to get her wallet but Alex halted her.

"All in the house," he said and dropped twenty bucks on the table.

   They stood up and exited the establishment.

"Oh, and, Phoebe?"


"Wear something nice and comfortable."

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