Chapter Four: Love's (Not) On Top

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Surprise! Surprise! This chapter includes a really hot romantic scene between Phoebe and Clyde. Hope you like it!

Chapter Four: Love's (Not) On Top

   Morning light shone at Phoebe's room. It felt like heaven. This is the most perfect day ever. At least, for her. She remembered everything that happened last night: Clyde asking her to be his girlfriend, her first kiss, and the beautiful view of the stars. On top of that, she just finished writing the article for Cosmo which she will pass today. She jumped out of bed and took a shower.

"Goodmorning mom!!!!" she hummed.

   Mrs. Yves looked at her suspiciously. Phoebe noticed her mother's look.

"What? It's bad to be happy in the mornings?"

   Her mother raised an eyebrow.

"It's late. Just go to work."

"K mom. Bye!" Phoebe said, planting a kiss on her mom's left cheek.

   As she was about to walk past her house, a car pulled at the corner. A familiar car.

"Care for a ride?" Clyde asked. Phoebe smiled.

"Sure." Phoebe took the front seat next to Clyde. Clyde pulled her and planted soft but passionate kisses on her lips. She kissed back. His hands slid around her waist. Clyde pulled away slowly and stared at Phoebe.

"Is that how you say goodmorning?" Phoebe asked.

"Yes. For you," Clyde said breathlessly. Phoebe teased Clydes hair and smiled naughtily.

"I like it." Clyde smiled back. "Why did you come here anyway?"

   Clyde shuffled back to his seat.

"Well, I figured it's only appropriate that I drive my girlfriend to work."

"You don't have anything to do?"

"I'll make everything stop for you, baby."


"Well done, Phoebe. Finding love when you least expect it is such a cliché, but you experienced it. I'll show it to the boss. I'm sure she'll like it."

"Thank you, Ms. G."

    Phoebe was about to leave when Ms. G halted her.

"Oh, and Phoebe,"

"Yes, Ms. G?"

"About your newfound love. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy for you, but I'd just make sure that he's not a threat to your work, that he won't affect your performance. Would he?"

   Phoebe was caught off-guard. Of course she'll make time for Clyde.

What? Now I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend?

"No. Of course not. I always put Cosmo first. Above anything. I assure you."


"Well, I never thought dating my brother would be that difficult," Carmin said. Phoebe sighed.

"He is perfect. He's great to be with. I've never been happier in my life. I can't push him aside."

"You better not. He's my brother, and I know he really loves you. When he falls, he falls hard," Carmin said hardly, with a warning underlying her tone.

   Phoebe understood.

"I won't do that to him. Trust me."

   A buzz from Phoebe's phone cut the forming tension.

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