Chapter Eight: Glamorous (Part One)

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Chapter Eight: Glamorous

PART ONE: The New Lady

   Phoebe walked the streets of New York City, wearing her newly bought Dior red dress and black Prada pumps. She wore a Fred Leighton diamond pendant and held her dyed auburn hair down in soft waves that bounced everytime she steps. Her hips swayed seductively with every move and her face lit with an alluring smile. She had never been so confident before. Every man in the street looked at her way as if she was some kind of angel that landed on Earth to grace mankind with her ethereal beauty. The women either looked with admiration or irritation. She smiled at them nonetheless. She held her Christian Louboutin clutch at her right hand and made her way to the guard. Unsurprisingly, the guard stared at her as well. The guys at the lobby glanced and even winked at her when she walked by. The bald man whom she learned as James pulled his secretary to him and asked who the hell she is. Sounds like dé javu, except for the part where everyone noticed her.

   She strutted past them, smiling ever so gracefully even though her heart's about to jump out of her chest. She works on Cosmo, doesn't she? It's about time to put all things she read to test and just be the woman all these glossy magazines have been urging ladies to become.

   She struggled to keep her hands from trembling and to keep a straight posture, as well as balance herself in stilettos to avoid falling flat on her face. Numerous times had she tried to be chic, and numerous how tos and guides had she read and consulted to embody chic. All were successful.... on the start. No matter what Phoebe do to motivate herself to become a chic, she somehow returns to her old self. Just like everytime she tries to exercise, she ends up just sitting under the sun playing with her cat. Thank God for His gift to her that whatever she eats, she doesn't seem to gain weight. This gift comes in handy everytime she stuffs things in her mouth. Talk about stress-eating.

   She greeted her co-workers with a warm smile and muttered 'hi'. They were looking at her with surprise, not believing her transformation from college girl/ delivery girl to an actual part of the team. Melanie, Phoebe's close friend in Cosmo, who, like her, had always dreamed working in the fashion industry, came near her and lookesmd at her from head to toe.

"If it isn't Pretty Phoebe, hmmmm?" Melanie said with a fishy smile on her nude pink lips. Her green eyes glinted and her chesnut brown hair made even lighter by the sun's rays. Phoebe smiled back.

"Well, well, well, darling Melanie. 'Morning to you as well," Phoebe said, mimicking her friend's expression as she crossed her arms and tapped her fingers lightly. Melanie pat her shoulders.

"The hell of a makeover! You look beautiful, Phoebe. You really do."

   Melanie is really an honest person. When she see's some one or something she likes or dislikes, she voices it out immediately. She's frank, just like her. Phoebe counted on those things on why they became an instant hit. Melanie's not plastic.

   Phoebe changed her expression from confident to doubtful. She pulled Melanie to a corner and whispered.

" You think so?"

   Melanie laughed lightly.

" Of course you do, honey. Everyone's eyeing you."

"I don't think so.... I'm not comfortable."

   Melanie held her friend's shoulders.

"You look perfect. Hell, you're making me lesbian. I'm drooling over you at this very moment."

   Phoebe gave her a look and they both burst out laughing. The duo held each others arms and marched off to their desks.

   Of course, Phoebe sat on her office to finish an article, arching her back uncomfortably to improve her sitting posture, and struggled to go back to her old slumped sitting style. She let out a sigh to release tension and looked away. She caught sight of a tall man in suit, with slicked back black hair, dark eyes and tan complexion. He was busily negotiating with an old businessman he can hardly notice Phoebe staring at him. She had never seen him before.

   Who is he, she thought.

   Suddenly, her phone rang. It was a message from Melanie.

        Hey beautiful, care 2 prty tonyt? Grace thm guys w/ our gorgeousness?

   Phoebe smiled. Her attention drifted completely from the intruguing stranger to her friend's message. She had attended parties before, but not for the purpose of guy hunting. Well, partly. Fine. That is Phoebe's top priority, and it's only the second time Melanie urged her to go. Usually, it's her. And all she can do when she already found a hottie is stare.... from afar. Maybe it's time to loosen up and enjoy, Phoebe thought, I'm already a Cosmo gal anyways. Don't bring shame to Cosmo! Become fun, fab, and fierce!

   She replied immediately before Melanie changes her mind.

        Sure. Wat tym?

        Re: @8:30. b sure 2 b smokin          hot!

        I'm nt drssed 4 a prty!!!

        Re: U knw wat i'm thnkng?

         Shoppng aftr wrk?

         Re: Exactly


   The two young ladies went to their most trusted clothes shop: Gucci. There, Phoebe chose a body-con dress in red, with cutouts and an intricately patterned back design that shows up to her lower back. Red compliments her tan complexion very well. Melanie opted for a black backless bondage dress that hugs her curves. The ladies then went back to their desks and proceeded to do their light but smokin' sexy makeup, and used Melanie's car to go to the house party.

"Who's Jeremy, again?" Phoebe asked, checking herself at the rearview mirror.

"He's the model, you know, that came here yesterday. The blonde one."

"Oh. Don't know him."

"He's hot. He's my target," Melanie said, making a U-turn to the left.

   Phoebe laughed.

"O-ho-ho, and since when did you have targets? It's usually me. Who are you and what have you done to Mel?"

"Well, if you had a physical makeover, I'm having an attitude makeover."

"Attitude makeover? I need that,too, you know, so I could really have poise and send seductive glances to my target. To really flirt."

"Yeah, right. Atleast you have atleast the confidence in you, even though it's not much. I'm just giving this a shot."

"I have just the right amount of confidence. Most of the time, it's just my thick skin."

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