Chapter Nine: Head in the Clouds

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Chapter Nine: Head in the Clouds

   Phoebe had never been blissfully happy for a long period of time. She and Steven Styles had been dating for seven months now, and so far, everything went well. Melanie, on the other hand, ended things between she and Jeremy after finding out how much of a dick he is. As for work, Phoebe continued to excel and got raves from critics and regular readers alike.

   This is going to be great, she thought as she went to her desk holding a Starbuck's coffee in hand. A boquet of red roses and a box of chocolates were on her desk. A smile crept up her lips. A card was on top. Happy 7th Monthsary, it said. Steve was such a romantic guy, sending her gifts and surprising her whenever possible. He never fails to brighten her day up. Phoebe called him.

"'Morning handsome. Thanks for the sweet treats," Phoebe purred.

"D'you like it, sweetie?" Steve said, his husky voice melting Phoebe with every word he said.

"What's not to like about? Say, how 'bout a dinner tomorrow? I'm really busy tonight, scoops and all. My treat this time."

   A sigh was heard at the other end of the line.

"All right sweetie, tomorrow night. Oh wait, I gotta go. Client's here."

"Bye bye handsome."

"Bye beautiful."

   The way Steve said beautiful was so seductive Phoebe had to struggle to keep her knees from buckling.

   Of course she's not letting this day pass without seeing him and his god-like features. His aura intrigues her so much she can't help but want him more. This time, she's doing the surprise. She already (secretly) asked his secretary his schedule. She will go to his house wearing a newly-bought lingerie that spells h-o-t. Knowing him and based on her previous surprise visits in his house, he seemed to enjoy lone time or maybe chilling out with few friends.

   As for his bed capabilities, need we say more? His voice can send shivers of delight down to the spine, what more on the actual show?

    Phoebe took a bite on the chocolate when Melanie arrived.

"Look who's celebrating," Melanie said in a cheerful tone.

   Phoebe was startled. She shuffled the gifts and hid it under the stacks of paper she pulled. Mel shook her head.

"It's fine. I'm good. He's not worth the tears and stress."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm fine, see? And you know what's better? Shopping tonight and man-hunting at the newly opened bar," Mel said with a wink.

   Phoebe hesitated. She knew her friend needs her right now, but she got other plans.

"I- I'm sorry, Mel. I've got something planned for tonight."

"Oh? I thought you're not going to see 'handsome' from the finance dept?"

"It's, uh. I'm just..... planning to surprise him. You know, he always does the surprising and maybe this time... I can do it," Phoebe said in resignation, slightly embarasses for ditching her longtime friend for a man she'd just known for seven months.

"Nice. Well, good luck to you. Just tell me the gory details tom, huh?"

"Sure. I'm really sorry."

"It's fine really," Mel said, leaving Phoebe and heading back to her desk. Phoebe sensed her friend's foul mood. Of course Mel would be pissed. She'd just broken up. She doesn't need to be reminded.

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