Chapter Three

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Beck knows something is seriously wrong with his girlfriend.

How does he know?

Because she hasn't touched her coffee all morning.

She's sick, that's what she had told him, but even when she has a cold (a rare occurrence), Jade will drink her coffee. He's pretty sure she would drink it on her deathbed.

So something is seriously wrong with her.

He thinks that it might be something with her parents, he knows that they have their issues, but she would have told him, she always tells him.

So that's not it.

He asks her over and over again throughout first and second period if she's okay, and she gets annoyed, snapping at him, "I SAID I'M FINE," and storming off.

He almost follows her, but he has a class that he needs to get to.

A class he happens to share with Jade's best friend.

He takes Robbie's seat beside Cat, and she squeaks when she sees him. Actually squeaks.

He doesn't know why he's still surprised.

"Why did you do that?" he asks the redhead.

"I don't know," Cat mumbles before she shrugs her shoulders. "Just seemed like fun."

Beck forces himself not to roll his eyes, his hand moving through his hair. "Cat," he says, drawing her attention away from the stuffed giraffe that the teen brought to school that day, "have you talked to Jade lately?"

"Yeah, I talked to her this morning in the bathroom," Cat says as she pulls out a pink plastic comb.

"Did she...I don't know, say anything that might be wrong with her?"

Cat shakes her head as she shrugs her shoulders. "Nope, just that she's sick. She was like, puking a whole bunch when I went to the bathroom, because Mr. Purple had to go, ya know? Hey that rhymed."

Beck furrows his brow. Jade was throwing up? Maybe she really was sick, because she doesn't throw up often.

He's about to ask Cat another question when the teacher says from the front of the room,

"Okay class, take out a pencil and put everything else away. I'm passing the tests out."

Asking Cat anymore questions is going to have to wait.

She's about to die.

Like seriously.

Tori has on the most nauseating perfume and Jade is fairly certain she's going to throw up all over the biology lab.

Of course Tori makes her seriously nauseous.

Moreso than she already had before she found out that she was pregnant.

Her hand falls to her stomach, gently caressing it.

She doesn't really know what she's doing, all she knows it that she doesn't want to feel like a walking bag of vomit, her rubbing her stomach helps with that.


Jade's taken out of her thoughts, arching an eyebrow as she looks at Tori, who's watching her. Her hand goes still. "What?"

"When I'm on my period, I rub my stomach like that. Helps with cramps," Tori explains before she asks, "Are you on your period?"

Ha. She wishes.

"I'm sick and your perfume smells like shit on a stick," Jade barks out. "It's making me want to throw up all over you. Maybe I should. It would be an improvement. Smell and looks wise."

Tori scrunches up her nose as she scoots her chair over. "I do not smell like crap on a stick," Tori mumbles grabbing her shirt and lifting it to her nose. "Do I?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?" Jade asks with an arched brow.

"Cat said that you were throwing up this morning," Beck says as he watches Jade stab at her salad.

Jade tenses as she looks over at the redhead, who's too occupied with talking to Robbie to notice her glare. She looks back over at Beck and shrugs. "Yeah. I'm sick. I told you that."

"Why didn't you tell me you were so sick that you're throwing up?" Beck wants to know. "Why are you even here?"

Jade chews on her bottom lip. She doesn't lie to Beck. She's never lied to him. They're always brutally honest with each other to a fault.

But a tiny white lie isn't the end of the world.


"Babe," he says, and she turns her attention toward him. He cradled her cheek. "You keep spacing out on me."

She sighs as she grabs his hand and intertwines their fingers. "I'm fine alright? I just, you know I hate being sick. And I couldn't stay home because my parents were being annoying and I didn't want to stay home with my mom all day. But other than that, I'm fine. Everything's fine."

Beck is searching her face, before he nods. "Promise?"

Jade swallows the lump that forms in her throat. "Promise."

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