Chapter Fourteen

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Since Jade talked to her parents, I think it's time for Beck to talk to his.


"I'm gonna go talk to my parents," Beck tells Jade, who's laying down on his (now their) bed.

Jade raises her eyes from her phone. "Why now?"

"I want to get this over with," Beck says, his hand running through his hair. "I just want to know where we stand now."

"You mean you want to know if your parents are going to cut you off too."

Beck sighs as looks back at her. "If they do we'll-"

"What? Be okay?" Jade snaps. "Please don't tell me that Beck, I'm tired of hearing it."

He knows Jade, knows she lashing out because she's stressed and she's scared, so he only moves over to her and kisses her forehead.

"I'm gonna go talk to my mom and dad," he tells her, and Jade only rolls her eyes in reply. "Do you want to come with me?"

Jade scoffs as she shakes her head. "I might not be able to control my actions right now, so it's probably best that I stay away," the teen admits to her boyfriend.

Beck nods as he runs his fingers through her hair for a moment, and they just sit in silence, before he pressed his lips to her hair and let's out a heavy breath.

"I'll be back," he tells her, and Jade nods before she lays back on the bed, her hands resting on the her stomach, and he couldn't help but smile softly.

He leaves his RV quietly and heads up the driveway to his house, mentally preparing himself.

He knows his parents are going to be pissed, especially because it's Jade, and they'll probably find someway to put this all on her, and he knows once he defends her (because he will, he always will) they'll be even more pissed.

Will they be pissed enough to cut him off?

He doesn't want to admit it, but he wants their support.

Things would be easier if he and Jade had their support.

Especially now.

But as much as his parents love him, they hate Jade. And as much as he knows they would support him, he can't say the same about their support for Jade.

Beck inhales deeply before he heads into his house shouting, "Ma? Dad?"

"Beck?" he hears his mom shout back and he can't help but snort as he follows the direction of her voice.

His mom and dad are sitting across from each other in the study, glasses on their nose and books in their laps. His mom looks up and smiles at him, pushing her glasses up to her hair.

"Must be important if you're here," she comments.

Beck sighs as he sits down on the coffee table. "Yeah, it's pretty important."

His father looks up from the book. "What's going on Beck? Something happened in school?"

"Is it something about Jade?" his mother asks with a scoff, and Beck opens his mouth to refute her but his father beats him to it.

"Oh I bet it is. She's gotten you into some sort of trouble, hasn't she?" his father tuts. "She's no good Beck."

"Can you both stop please?" Beck requests. "Yes this is about Jade but this is really serious alright?"

His mother frown as she sits up a bit more. "What's going on Beck?"

The teen inhaled deeply, running his hands through his hair before he clears his throat. "Just...promise you won't be mad."

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