Chapter Nineteen

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New Year, New Update! Happy Holidays everyone! Here's the next chapter, hope you guys enjoy!


Jade twists the noodles that Beck made for her around on her fork as she watches Beck watch TV. She licks her lips for a moment, stabs at her noodles for a moment before she says,

"While I was at home hanging out although Jasper, um, my dad offered me a job."

Beck's head turns away from the TV and raises an eyebrow.

"I told him no," Jade says quickly, and she watches tension leave Beck's brow almost immediately, "it just got me thinking. We do need jobs."

"I need a job, not you," Beck tells her. "I don't want you stressing more than what's absolutely necessary."

"Beck, not to be mean, but that's so stupid."

"How is that stupid?" Beck wants to know. "You don't need to work. You're starting to show. And soon you'll be more irritable and more tired, and that's only with school. Imagine going to school and having a job."

Jade rolls her eyes as she looks down at her noodles, shoving more into her mouth and pursing her lips when she feels another flutter in her belly. She remembers feeling it earlier, before she walked into the RV, but she had been sure that it was nerves.

She doesn't get time to dwell on it though, because Beck is asking her, "Did your dad say anything else to you? Did he stress you out or anything?"

"No, I'm fine. I promise," Jade says with a roll of her eyes.

"Good," Beck says, moving to kiss the side of her head.

They sit in silence for a moment before Jade reminds him, "We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow."

Beck grins as he moves his hand to the small swell of her stomach. "We're finally gonna know if it's a boy or a girl."

Jade rolls her eyes. "It's a boy. I'm telling you."

"How do you know that?" Beck asks with a smirk on his face.

"Because I'm the mom dufus. So I know what I'm talking about."

Beck snorts before he says, "Well, how about we make a bet?"

"Don't be a such a child," Jade mumbles with a roll of her eyes.

"Come on, scared you might loose?" Beck asks, his hand walking up her arm teasingly.

Jade slaps his hand away. "Fine, I'll humor you. What's the bet?"

"If we are having a girl, you have to go drag racing with me."

Jade's mouth drops open. "No!"

"It's a bet babe. And you do have a fifty fifty chance of winning," Beck tells her with a smile. "We can do whatever you want?"

Jade turns toward him. "Whatever I want?"

Beck nods, and Jade purses up her lips as she thinks for a moment. She really, really, really doesn't want to go drag racing, but she does have a chance to win. So she holds out her hand. "You're on."

Beck smirks, takes her hand, and they shake on it.

Beck slides his backpack into his locker, hearing greetings from Tori and Robbie as he does.

"Hey, I thought you wouldn't be here," Tori says. "Doesn't Jade have a doctor's appointment today?"

"Yeah, during lunch," Beck informs her as he shuts her locker. "So we don't have to miss too much school."

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