Chapter Sixteen

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Even though it's stated in the chapter, I just want to say that there's a three week time jump from last chapter to this one. I hope to get one more chapter out before December ends! Hope you guys enjoy!


Jade presses her lips together as the smells from Asphalt Cafe assault her.

Why the hell does everything smell so damn bad?

She's been struggling with her new enhanced sense of smell for three weeks now, and she swears going crazy. She's going to murder someone, she's going to stab someone in the eye, she's going to-

"You're glaring," Beck whispers in her ear.

Jade sighs as she inhales deeply and then exhales. "It smells terrible out here," she mutters through gritted teeth.

She feels Beck's hand moving on her back in soothing circles and she leans into him a bit.

"When we go to the doctor's later we can ask if there's something to make you feel better," Beck suggests softly.

"That won't help me now," Jade grumbles.

"I told you we could have eaten lunch inside but you didn't want to," Beck reminds her, although he doesn't need to because she knows what she said. She says it every damn day, and she immediately regrets it every damn day.

"Hey hey," Tori greets as she plops down in the seat beside Beck.

Jade rolls her eyes and swallows thickly. Tori has this perfume that smells like flower shit, and it makes her gag. Normally Jade wouldn't say anything, she would just stomach it along with the other smells, but it was a lot stronger than it normally was.

"Did you shower in that god awful perfume this morning?" she snaps.

Tori furrows her brow and her lips pout as she sniffs herself. "I mean, I put on a little bit more this morning but-"

"A little bit?" Jade scoffs. "You smell like a garden of flower manure."

"Did-Did you just call me flower poop?"

"Did you just call me flower poop?" Jade mocks in her Tori voice.

Tori rolls her eyes as she exclaims, "I don't talk like that!"

"Jade's just kinda sensitive to smells right now and-"

"Sensitivity to smells is one of the signs of pregnancy," Cat says, announcing her presence.

Jade grits her teeth. Why the hell is the redhead so damn loud? Did she want everyone to fucking know?

"Shut up Cat."

"Is that wrong? I read it on this app, see, it says it right there," Cat shoves her PearPad in Jade's face.

The brunette has to restrain herself from throwing it to the ground.

"It also says that that your breasts get sensitive," Cat says in a matter of fact tone and Jade groans at the reminder.

She turns to see Beck smirking and she slaps his arm. "Shut up."

Tori's hands go up. "I don't wanna hear anything about Jade's breasts."

"What about Jade's breasts?" Robbie asks, and André is right behind him with wide eyes.

Great now everyone is talking about her breasts.

She's going to kill Cat.

"They're sore."

She's going to Cat up in tiny little pieces and feed those pieces to her brother's turtle.

"Oh, I have some thigh cream but it my help for soreness there too," Robbie says, reaching back into his backpack before holding out the tube for her to take.

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