Chapter Ten

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Here's the next chapter, hope it's worth the wait!


They laugh.

Burst out in hard fits of laughter, Andre squeezing his sides and Robbie bending over, laughing so hard that he snorts.

"Man, you are-you are funny," André says as he wipes the tears from his eyes.

"And you look so serious!" Robbie exclaims in laughter.

"That's because I am serious," Beck mutters.

Andre and Robbie furrow their brows.

"Wait, what?" André asks. "You''re joking right?"

"I-I, I'm not," Beck says as he leans back against his headboard. "Jade found out a couple days ago, told me yesterday and we went to the doctor's today," the Canadian informs his friends.

"Wait wait wait wait, you're not joking?" André asks.

Beck shakes his head.

"Jade is really pregnant?"

Beck nods.

"Jade West is having a baby? Your baby?"

Beck nods once again.

"Wow. So Trina was actually right?" Robbie says incredulously.

Beck snorts as he looks at his hands. "Who would have thought we would ever use those words in a sentence?"

"Wait, so when you and Jade rushed out of school today, it was because something was wrong with the baby?" André asks, concern written all over his face.

"Well, we thought something was wrong. It was just a scare. Jade's fine, the baby's fine, everything is fine," Beck says.

"Well, not everything is fine," Robbie says. "Jade is pregnant."

Beck narrows his eyes. Is not exactly...desirable that Jade is pregnant right now, but he wouldn't say it was a bad thing.

"Are you guys...keeping it?" André inquires.

Beck shifts on his bed. His friends are going to think he's crazy, he knows it.

"Jade doesn't know what she wants, but I...I want to keep it."


"Are you out of your mind?!"

Beck smirks despite the seriousness of the situation. They're so predictable, his friends.

"Beck, we're about to go to college. You can't be walking around the dorms with a baby strapped to your chest," André exclaims incredulously. "How are you gonna go to college parties with a baby?"

Beck rolls his eyes. "André, if Jade decides to keep it then there won't be any college parties."

"And if she doesn't want to keep it?" Robbie asks.

Beck rubs the back of his neck. He hasn't really thought about it yet. "I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

Andre crosses his armed across his chest. "What have the two of you decided? Because it doesn't sound like you've decided anything."

"We've decided that no matter what, we'll handle this together. One day at a time."


Jade rolls her eyes at the nickname that only her brother and Cat were aloud to call her. "What?"

"Are you pregnant?"

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