Chapter Thirteen

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Seriously cannot believe this story has a thousand reads! Thanks so much you guys, this means a lot to me! Sorry for the wait! Nothing is mine but the mistakes.


Beck's fingers are moving over his game controller at a fast pace when his phone rings, making him groan. He knows from the ringtone that it's Jade, which means that he can't ignore it unless he wants his door to be off the hinges again.

And he doesn't.

He presses pause, lets his game controller flop down on the bed beside him, and grabs his phone.

"Hey babe."

"You're coming to my place for dinner," Jade says, skipping the pleasantries.

"Alight, that's cool," Beck tells her, and he hears her let out a relieved breath. That makes him furrow his brow.

"Did you think I wouldn't want to come?"

"No, it's not that, it's just," Jade pauses, sighs, and says, "My dad is back. And he knows about the baby."

Beck swallows, leaning back against his head board. "Oh."

"Yeah, oh."

"How did he find out?" Beck wants to know, because he knows Jade sure as hell didn't tell him. "Did your mom or Jasper say something?"

"Nope, he found out from insurance," Jade tells him with a sigh. "That was stupid of me, using their insurance."

"Hey, you needed those prenatals," Beck reminds her, because he won't have her feeling bad about doing something good.

Jade hums noncommittally before she says, "Just be here at 6:30."

"I wouldn't miss it for anything. I'll even clean up, I know how much your dad hates my messy hair."

"Which is exactly why you should leave it messy," Jade tells him.

Beck laughs, shakes his head as he runs his hand through his hair. "For you babe, I just might," he tells her with a smile, even though he can't see it.

There's a pause, a small or noticeable one before Jade speaks again.

"Do you know when you wanna talk to your parents about this?"

Beck shrugs his shoulders, but when he remembers that she can't see him he says, "Whenever you're up to it. It's no rush."

"I think it should be soon," Jade tells him, which is actually surprising. She just had an issue with telling them a couple of hours ago, and now she wanted to do it sooner rather than later?

"My parents could say something to them, and I think your parents would be more pissed if they found out from them rather than us," Jade tells him.

Huh, that's probably true.

"How about after dinner you come home with me and we tell them then?" Beck offers, before he adds, "Unless that's too soon for you."

"It is, but I wanna get this over with," Jade says with a sigh.

"We'll be okay babe."

"Yeah, I know."

Beck sighs, because he knows she doesn't believe him, but he's gonna prove it to her.

A couple of hours later, and Beck is running his fingers through his hair before he knocks on the door, straighten his shirt slightly when he notices its a bit crooked.

The door swings open, and Beck finds himself looking down at Jade's little brother.

"Hey kid!"

"Beck, where've you been?" Jasper asks as he wraps his arms around Beck's waist.

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