Chapter Seven

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"I made a doctor's appointment for you."

Jade furrows her brow as she closes her locker and turns her attention toward her boyfriend. "What the hell do you mean you made a doctor's appointment for me?"

"Jade, I know you don't want people finding out about this yet but we need to make sure you and the baby are okay," he tells her.

Jade rolls her eyes. "I'm fine," she tells him.

"Are you sure?" Beck wants to know. "Because you've barely been eating-"

"Don't start-"

"Of course I'm going to start, I'm worried about you Jade!"

"Well stop it! I'm fine!"

"Hey!" Sikowitz says, interrupting the teens. "It's too early for you to both to be such ganks."

Jade rolls her eyes as she slams her locker shut. "I need to go to class," she mutters as she walks past her boyfriend.

Beck shakes his head as he runs his fingers through his hair.

Sikowitz rubs his chin as he turns toward the teen. "Everything okay Beck?"

Beck tries to fake a smile. "Yeah, yeah. Everything's fine."

"Are you sure?" Sikowitz asks. "Because the last time Jade seemed to be avoiding to talk to you, the two of you-"

"Broke up," Beck finishes for him.

Sikowitz nods as he holds out the brown hard shell covered fruit. "Want some?"

Beck shakes his head as he shifts his backpack on his shoulders. "I should, you know, get to class. Maybe later though."

"What's wrong with you?"

Jade turns and sees Andre standing behind her. She rolls her eyes as she turns away from him. "Go away before I kill you."

She waits to hear feet scuffling away, but she doesn't. She turns again and sees him still standing there.

"What do you want?" she asks when she sees that he's not going anywhere.

Andre sits down on the ground beside her. "You and Beck doing okay?" he asks.

She narrows her eyes at him. "Why?"

"You two have been arguing more. I thought everything was good after you two got back together-"

"We're fine," Jade tells him.

Andre nods as he holds his hands up. "Alright, I'll take your word for it."

They sit in silence for a while before Andre stands and holds out his hand. "We have a class to get to."

Jade shakes her head. "I wanna sit out here for a little while longer."

Andre nods as he starts to walk down the hall.

"Hey Andre," Jade calls, and he turns back toward her, "What did Beck say?"

Andre furrows his brow. "What did Beck say about what?"

"When you asked him if we were doing okay," Jade says. "What did he say?"

Andre shakes his head. "Actually, I haven't talked to him yet. I wanted to check on you."

Jade furrows her brow. She doesn't understand. "Beck's your best friend."

"Yeah," Andre agrees with a shrug before he says, "but so are you. Even if you don't think so."

Jade smiles as she nods, watching Andre turn and leave before she lets her eyes fall to her hands, that were resting peacefully on her stomach.

She didn't come to first period.

She wasn't answering his texts.

It was like Jade was trying to give him a damn heart attack.

"Hey," Tori says the next period as she slides into the seat beside him, the one that Jade usually occupies. "Is Jade not here today? I thought I saw her this morning."

"She's here. She's just not here," Beck sighs with a shake of his head. "And she's ignoring my texts."

Tori furrows her brow as she opens her textbook, apparently making herself at home in Jade's seat. "Everything going okay between you two?" Tori asks.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" Beck wants to know. "Jade and I are fine."

Tori holds her hands up. "Just trying to think of a reason that Jade would avoid you is all."

Beck sighs as he looks down at his phone. "I know why she's avoiding me," he groans. "I just wish she wouldn't."

Tori raises an eyebrow. "Oh? Are you...gonna, you know...tell me?"

Beck shakes his head. "I shouldn't."

"I wouldn't tell anyone, I promise. You know you can trust me," Tori tells him.

Beck ponders on it for a moment. He does want to talk to someone, because he doesn't think he and Jade can handle this all on their own, and he wants some advice. But Tori doesn't, wouldn't understand.

Besides, if Jade found out he told Tori, he would be dead.

So he shakes his head, gives his friend a smile. "I can handle it. Thanks though."

She had been on her way to class when it happened.

She had just been walking and then, all she felt was cramps.

She shouldn't have them, she knew she shouldn't. She ignored them, praying that they would pass and that everything was fine. She paused for a second, leaning against the lockers and pressing her hands against her belly.

When she was sure that she was okay to walk again, she did, but something made her eyes widen.

She felt wetness between her legs.

She's never ran to the bathroom so fast, the stall door slamming behind her with a clank, and she pulls down her pants and panties.

All she sees is red.

Her eyes immediately water.

This can't be happening.

She didn't want this baby, but she doesn't want to lose it, not like this.

With shaky hands, she pulls her phone from her pocket.

To: Beck

I need you, it's the baby

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