Chapter Twenty-Two

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Just a note, this chapter is three weeks after the last one. Jade is into her third trimester now.


She doesn't tell Beck about her job.

She should, she knows she should be honest with him and all that good stuff. But she knows that Beck will just tell her to quit, so she keeps her mouth shut.

She doesn't tell anyone actually. Well, anyone other than Tori, and even she doesn't know exactly what she's doing, and who she's working for.

She's about to head to her father's office now, during lunch, when Cat runs up to her.

"Hey Jadey," Cat greets, her hand finding her belly.

Jade doesn't move her hand away even as a few freshmen walk past. She's beginning to own her pregnancy, and as long as no one stares at her like she's from freak of nature, she doesn't have an issue.

She finds that she's becoming a lot more tolerant of people these days. She blames it on the baby.

"What Cat?" she asks, pulling her backpack onto her shoulder with a huff.

"Can you run lines with me? Pleasey?"

"Cat, I have to go," Jade says with a groan. She's already late, and she does not want to deal with her father's attitude.

It rivals her own.

Cat pouts, and Jade doesn't know why, but it's making her feel bad.

Damn these hormones.

"Where are you going?" Cat wants to know. "Can I come with you?"

Jade shakes her head quickly. "It's something I have to do alone."

Cat pouts even more. "But why?"

"Because Cat!" Jade snaps, and just then Beck and Robbie make their way over to them.

Beck presses a quick kiss to Jade's temple in greeting. "What's going on?"

"I have to go," Jade says quickly, moving past Beck before he can say anything or question her.

She feels...well, she feels bad for what she's doing, working behind Beck's back, but she's avoiding the argument she knows would have happen if she would have told him. Although, she knows that when he finds out that not only has she been working but she has been keeping it from him, there'll be an even bigger argument.

But it's not like he's pressing to find out where she's been going for the past three weeks. Hell, she doesn't even think he cares. Usually that would piss her off, but it keeps him off her back.

Okay, it pisses her off and it keeps him off her back.

It's a bag of mixed emotions.

Jade pushes her thoughts away as she approaches her father's office.

She can already hear him yelling at someone.


She pushes open the door and sees her father yelling at one of his colleagues, a middle aged woman named Susan. She's a nice woman, pretty bland if you ask Jade, but she's never been rude to her so Jade likes her.

Susan and her father's head turn, and Susan looks relieved to see Jade standing there.

"We'll have to continue this conversation later Robert," Susan says, heading toward the door, giving Jade a smile as she goes.

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