Day 1

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The sound of a trumpet woke me the next morning, looking over at the digital clock on the stand beside my bed I seen that it was nearly 6am. Groaning I pulled the pillow over my head for a second then pushed myself out of bed and walked to the bathroom to get my shower.

Once I was finished I wrapped my hair in a towel and went back to the room to get myself dressed. My army pants and a t-shirt along with my boots and a hat was what I was wearing today, I unwrapped my hair from the towel and forced my brush through it, I needed to get it cut but I knew I would regret it when I did, I pulled it into a bun at the base of my neck and pulled the hat on and walked out of my room and exited the building to go to the mass for breakfast.

As I entered the mass hall I looked around, everyone was deep in conversation. It reminded me of high school. I got my tray and filled it with eggs, bacon and a biscuit covered in gravy and looked around for a place to sit. In the far corner of the gigantic room there was a girl sitting by herself. I walked over to the table and asked if I could sit. The girl just nodded so I took the seat across from her.
"I think he is starring at you." She said in a small voice and nodded her head at the table behind us, turning to see who she was talking about, low and behold it was him, sergeant Collins. Blushing I quickly turned and looked at the tray of food that sat before me. Pushing it away I slumped in my chair.
"Is he still looking?" I asked the girl. She shook her head no and I kind of felt relieved.
"So what's your name?"
"Paisleigh." I told her.
"I'm Laura. I think your dorm is across from mine."
We quickly fell into conversation and learned that we both liked a lot of the same things. I felt like this girl was someone I could easily be friends with.

After our hour of breakfast time was over we were instructed to go to the yard where we would begin our first day of training. Laura was standing next to me, both of us looked worriedly at the course sat up before us, first we had to skip through tires then we had to crawl under a net that was barely 6 inches off the ground, then we had to climb a smooth wall using only a knotted rope and lastly we had to use a rope to swing over a huge pit filled with what looked like wet concrete.

Most of the men made it through the course effortlessly Laura and myself kept pace with each other, she got stuck under the net as we army crawled through the sticky miss beneath it. I helped her out and she ran ahead of me, right as I was about to push myself off the ground my boot got caught in the net, everyone else was ahead of me. I started frantically pulling at the tangle trying to free my boot but I couldn't do it, covering my face with my hands in disappointment for screwing up on the first day I felt something pulling at my foot. He looked down at me and smirked.
"I got ya, NOW GO, GO, GO!!"
I didn't waste any time and made it through the rest of the course and finished second to last.

The boy that finished last was named wade, as he took his place in line he glanced at Laura and flushed then quickly looked down at his boots. The rest of the day consisted of target practice, the whole time I lay on the ground aiming and shooting sergeant handsome stood over me but never said a word. Probably because I was a pretty good shot. Growing up in the country had its perks.

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