Camp Wolf

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  I had just gotten home from my final day of school, when my father and my whore of a step mother called me to the kitchen and decided to break the news to me, it was nothing serious but by the way that cunt looked at me I knew she got her way with my father... Again... " Luna, can you please sit down?" I sat down across from my father looking him dead in the eye knowing that he'd given in to Amber's demands... She does it in one if three fucking ways to manipulate him 1) she jerks him off 2) screws him till he can't feel his legs and 3) a simultaneous combination of the two... She was a slut and I hated every moment she's alive...

"Dad you okay? You're looking a bit sweaty and nervous, Amber isn't pregnant is she?! Cause if so I'm gonna swallow a gallon of gasoline and set myself on fire!" no fucking way in Hell was I gonna live under the same roof with another Amber , " sweetheart while I highly doubt you're going to do that I your mother and I have some news-"

"Dad, mom has been dead for 5 years already I have no mother so it would be highly appreciated if you not refer to Amber, as my mother when clearly I'm not the daughter of some gold digging skank. So you were saying?" I smiled as I saw her expression crumble from smug to angry. My father reassured his slut wife and turned back to me, "well I was gonna say we found a camp for you to attend this summer... Doesn't that sound fun?!" I looked at him with a look of anger spreading rapidly across my face it was her fucking idea! My thoughts became rabid, dangerous, and murderous...

  Yet I had to plaster a smile on my face and try to calmly tell him that I didn't want this, "are you fucking kidding me?! I mean seriously why in the fuck would I honestly go to a fucking summer camp?!"... Well so much for calm explanations, I thought. My father looked as if he didn't even want to acknowledge the fact that I had repeatedly just dropped F-bombs.

  It was then that the gold digging whore opened her cheap red lipstick colored mouth, "well now Hun-bun" in a nasally voice,"your father and I want to go on a vacation and we can't do that if we have you here by yourself! Having to worry if you're throwing parties, doing drugs in the living room, having sex or even an orgy on the couch! We just can't have it happen."

  I looked her straight in the eye and told her as coldly and as slowly as I could, "I'm not you Amber, so shut the fuck up already, okay?" that's when she looked pale from fear as pale as a bed sheet, and as silent as the night just the way I liked her... Silent...

  In the end I had no choice but to comply with my father's decision on summer camp whoppdy- fucking-doo... I stormed to my room packing my clothes, packing my electronics, packing the necessities and packing at least one picture of me and my mom at least before the cancer took over and killed her... Terminal brain cancer and liver cancer... My mom was beautiful even when she was bald and slowly fading away she was still the most beautiful person ever... I was told that I was my mom all over... And I believed anyone who said it, we were identical in every way possible... I missed her so much it broke my heart...

  Oh well no more time for moping might as well go downstairs and off to Hell- I mean camp wolf for the entire summer... Oh what joy this brings me like a knife to my fucking eye! As I descended the stairs I thought to myself thinking hey maybe it won't be so bad you know? I stood in front of them bag slung on my shoulder and a facial expression that said I'm gonna kill that bitch one day, maybe not today but one day for sure... As my father led me to the car and drove off I knocked out with music booming in my ears and drifted off into a dream land of nothingness... Just drifting off to the sound of music...

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