Here Comes Dad, Or Should I Say Grandpa?

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  I woke up to the scent of bacon, pancakes, coffee, eggs, toast and fresh baked muffins, I looked over to see that Lucas, had taken it upon himself to cook breakfast for him and I, I must say from the scent of it everything smelled divine! I sat up to see boys strapped to his chest in a twin baby sling, both were still asleep and snuggled up as if they felt safe, warm and loved walking over to them Lucas, looked over at me a smile spread clear across his face as if I was a wonderful sight to see in the morning, "well good morning beautiful, did you sleep well?" 

"Yeah I slept great after a glass of wine and did you just call me beautiful?"

"Yeah I did, I enjoy seeing you"

"Am I still dreaming?"

"Ha ha no silly you are quite awake"

"Oh... Well then can I feed my babies now or did you breast feed them yourself?"

"Ha ha ha, yes you can feed the boys now and that is too weird for my taste"

  I came over to him and grabbed Mason, first taking him to the easy chair, I had popped my breast out of my shirt which was already overly large and full, I had placed his mouth on the nipple and waited for him to finish suckling, I looked up to see Lucas, looking over at me his face pink at the cheek and a little jealous looking, "take a picture it lasts longer" he looked clearly embarrassed and went back to making more food, about 5 minutes passed before Mason, had detached himself from my breast, afterword I had began to burp my little one after about maybe 10 pats on the back he finally burped, I pulled him off my shoulder and got a good look at him as he opened his gunmetal grey-blue eyes and smiled at me as if to say thanks for the boob milk mom! I gave him a kiss on the forehead before I returned him to the sling and grabbed James, again I returned to the easy chair and repeated the process, except I noticed it took him less time to suckle as if he didn't want anything from me... 

  The burping process was the same, as I looked at his face he furrowed his brows at me and pouted at me his steel grey eyes piercing my own as if to say I don't want you... I brought him back to the sling where his brother was already smiley and happy as he leaned his small head against Lucas's firm chest, I had grabbed the coffee pot and poured myself some in a crystal coffee cup, I grabbed the creamer that had been in the fridge and poured a bit in, the scent of the Hazelnut creamer tickled my nose, after putting it back in the fridge I took a long sip of it, the delicious taste flowed across my taste buds and poured down my throat into my system waking me up to face the grey morning sky.

  I heard a knock at the door, and a voice deep and husky, "Luna, open up it's your father" my immediate thought was fuck, I had placed down my glass and walked to unlock my door to see my father with an unreadable expression on his face, "well am I gonna be able to enter or are you gonna have me standing in the hallway like some unwanted guest?"

"I told you I didn't want you here"

"I'm well aware of that but as your father I have a right to see you"

"Well guess what I don't wanna see you, you forced me to go to a summer camp in which I didn't want to go, I was nearly killed there you know? Or did the camp counselors fail to tell you about that?!"

  I heard Mason, begin to cry because of my raised voice and went to him grabbing him from the sling and holding him close to me murmuring apologies to him, that's when I heard my father's foot steps on my hardwood floor, closing the door behind him first before even saying anything, his face was now readable, I could see it was filled with pure rage, "what in the fuck am I seeing here?!"

"Don't you dare yell in my home"

"Answer me Luna, why am I seeing you with a baby in your arms and why does it look like you?! And who the fuck is that behind you?!"

"I don't have to answer you Stewart, in fact you are trespassing on private property so I suggest you leave now before I contact the police"

"Fuck the police! Right now answer me or I'm gonna beat you with that thing in your hands!"

  Lucas, stepped beside me facing my father with a face plastered with anger but also a steadiness behind it.

"My name is Lucas Bentecourt, I am Luna's boyfriend and I am the man fathering her children and I am adopting them which in turn give them my last name, that sir is who the fuck I am"

  I was stunned as I heard him speak to my father the way he did, as if he had no fear of him at all and I gotta say that it was really fucking hot! Like if I wasn't holding Mason and he wasn't carrying James I would've honestly screw him on the kitchen counter, yet I couldn't focus on that right now when my clearly pissed father was right in front of us. I had approached him with Mason, close to my chest, "this is why I didn't want you here, because I had babies from my former partner who was also trying to kill me... I met Lucas, and I accidentally turned him into a werewolf, now that it has happened he's my mate and he's helping me raise both Mason and James, your grandsons..."

"You are coming back with me and on the way we are bringing both of those things to an orphanage and him... You will never see him again, now pack your shit you're coming with me" as he attempted to reach for me I backpedaled away from him, until I was next to Lucas, who placed an arm around me to comfort me. 

"I told you I'm not leaving with you I'm staying here with my family, I will not abandon them not now, not ever" I handed Mason, over to Lucas, who placed him back into the baby sling with his brother, I stepped forward as if to challenge my father who approached me and I matched his pace, as he raised a fist to punch me I grabbed it, when he tried to strike me with the other I grabbed that one as well, I had tightened my grip on both fists almost breaking the bones, I connected my foot to his ribs, feeling the impact he fell back, again he came at me so I had punched him in his jaw when he got close enough, I felt his foot connect with my rib cage feeling four ribs crack at the same time as a yelp escaped my lips, I fell back slightly; I looked up at him and he looked as if he was spooked meaning my eyes had begun to glow bright, I charged at him I punched him at least 10 times at best, then I stopped looking down at him, he was a bloody mess...

  I looked back at Lucas, the only thing I saw  was fear, I walked towards him and he didn't flinch nor back away he was just paralyzed, "I'm sorry you had to see that..." 

"Its fine I've seen far worse"

"Okay well, I have to call the police right now and report an intruder"

  I grabbed my cell and called the police telling them of what happened and they had told me they'd be here soon, about 20 minutes had passed by before the police arrived I had explained to the officers what had happened and they cuffed him, leaving with him. Relief flooded through me, I returned back to the couch with Mason, resting on my chest Lucas, was on the couch with me as well goofing around with James, getting him to laugh.

  I never thought that my life would ever get this complicated with psycho exes and crazy parents... Well this is only the beginning of a long journey...   

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