Here Comes The Bride

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  It was officially happening... At the age of 18 I Luna Chase was officially getting married... The counselors informed my parents of the 'good news' when the counselors found Derek and I later that day, they had informed me that my parents were coming to remove me from the camp to never return.

  In the beginning I would've been for it... In the beginning I would've jumped for joy at the thought of finally leaving, but now that I think  about it... I don't wanna leave... I'm leaving behind my friends, my fiance, my pack... I can't leave... Not now...

  I now was discussing the wedding plans... As crazy as everything seemed now I just hope get we get this done before my father comes to haul me off and never return... Derek and I decided it had to be done today that we couldn't hesitate...

  So I was only his fiance for about five minutes... That engagement was short lived... As Waya and two other girls dressed me in a simple with dress they had fashioned a bouquet of flowers and a flower crown for me to wear for my walk down the aisle...  While one of the girls was curling my hair the other was working me over with a makeup kit... Everything was happening so fast it felt as if nothing ever stopped moving here...

  As soon as I finished my father and that slutty cunt of a step mother emerged from the car only to be ranting and raving for information of my whereabouts... I stepped out of my cabin letting the light hit me showing the blooming bride...

  My father saw me yelling my name and like any teen getting caught we have one universal response... We run for our fucking lives, as I ran to where the ceremony was being held I could still hear his voice and all I could hear was anger and venom... As soon as I reached the spot we began the ceremony we said our vows and exchanged rings and kissed, by the time my father and Amber reached us it was too late to stop what had already been sealed... I was now Luna Chase Reynolds...

  As my father grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me away from my husband... Which in fact was a stupid move... A really stupid move... Before I knew what was happening Derek, grabbed my father by his shirt collar and lifted him up as if it was nothing and spoke in a low and baritone voice, "just who in the fuck do you think you are?" the rest of the pack followed suit surrounding him... My father struggled to speak as Derek, held him off he ground...

"I'm Luna's father and I've come to take her home."

  " Luna belongs here with me and the rest of our pack... You no longer own her... She's my wife and I refuse for you to try and drive a wedge in our marriage..." never before have I every heard Derek speak so passionately before... It was so fucking sexy! I might just make love to him... Note people I said might...

  As he set my father down, Derek looked at me to see if I was willing to stay and not only be a pack leader but a wife or return home and suffer under the roof of not only my father but Amber...

  So they stepped back me in the middle and each of them on opposite sides Derek on my right and my father in my left each of them begging with their eyes to be chosen... And the decision was clearer than the cloudless sky that hung above us...

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