Mommy Is That Really You?...

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  Stunned as I looked at the figure across from me I felt my world crash around me, my heart ached, and I felt weak my mom had been dead for 6 years how is that even possible?! I feel tears well up in my eyes, "Mommy?!" I screamed out the woman then fled from the building rooftop I have to know if that's her! I leaped from the window and landed in one of the trees, from there I had leaped again onto the top of a random car from there I ran into the building I saw her on top of, before I could began to ascend my phone rang to see Lucas's name pop up on the screen.


"Where are you?! I saw you just leap out the window and then you vanished!"

"I think I may have seen my mother..."


I understood his hysteria I mean I told him I'm chasing my dead mother in any sane persons mind they'd question me entirely yet some part deep down inside me knew that it just had to be her, yet what if it wasn't her at all? Maybe I just want to believe its her? Maybe... Enough with the maybes and questioning this I had to find out! I stormed up the stairs in a fast pace all the way up to the roof, I busted through the roof door panting, tired, hot with muscle pain in my legs, the nights chilly air filled my lungs as I gulped it all in, I look up and to my stunned surprise I saw a pair of eyes that were so much like my own that were framed with long thick lashes that looked as if they were painted on, her skin glistened in the pale moonlight and her hair flowed behind her in the nights breeze. I stood up straight and slowly made my way towards her, "is it really you mom?" she looked at me with tears brimming her eyes shimmering like liquid diamonds, "please answer me, are you Diana Krista James-Chase!?" she lowered her head and then I heard a low whisper of a voice which sounded like the light tinkling of wind chimes.


"How are you alive? The doctor said you had died! I heard the heart monitor stop and everything how can you still be here!?"

"Not everything is how it seems"

  Just as I came closer to her something hard hit me in the back of my head I stumbled and landed on my back, stars danced across my eye lids the last thing I saw before the dark consumed me was the beauty of the pale moonlight.

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