Becoming The Alpha Female

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  Never have I ever truly felt powerful... Its like finding myself all over again... Except I didn't have to suffer through shopping with that cunt of a step mom... It had at least been two days since I had been declared an alpha she wolf... All the boys followed me with their eyes, and lusted for me in their gazes...

  I had paid no attention to them, they'd make advances of the sexual and lustful kind, but knowing myself I didn't give a rat's ass... I mean I'm not trying to sound like a snob or anything I just truly wasn't interested in any of them...

  Every moment around each and every one of them was like sexually charged fuel... All they did was swarm me with propositions in marriage, yeah you heard me right MARRIAGE! In the world of werewolves when we find our mates we gotta get hitched it apparently was "the way of life" for my kind... At some point even Waya asked me when the wedding is! I'm only 18, and she's asking me about when my wedding is?!

  She would tell me that if I wasn't married or mated soon, that the boys advances would get a hell of a lot worse... In all honesty that's the last thing I needed, yet that wasn't the only thing... I had no experience in any form of sex... Not classic not S&M, not even BDSM! Yeah I'm still a virgin fuck off! Its not like I'm waiting for someone to sweep me off my feet and take me, I'm not even sure I wanna lose it to anyone... I'm not even sure I wanna get married... But maybe it'll be a good thing? Maybe it'll be a bad thing? Who knows?!

  As I walked towards the mess hall I could hear Derek, call out my name I turned to see him wearing a tight black v-neck, ripped blue jeans, and black boots... God he was gorgeous... Maybe he really was meant to be my mate... Maybe I should marry him...

  Who the fuck am I kidding?! I'm only 18, I shouldn't be desiring marriage and sex?! I should be thinking about my future! Is it my wolf genes taking over and awakening my instincts? Should I give in to it? Should I not? It felt as if a million questions swirled through my head as to what to do...

  Enough of the teen angst bullshit... Its time for me to embrace my fucking instincts...

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