Happy Birthday To Me And Finally Derek's Demise...

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As the sun peaked through my bedroom curtains and flashed teasingly in my eyes I had woken up to realize I have only been engaged for a month but it was also February 14th, my birthday... Oh how I despised this day, not only because it was Valentines Day but because today I turned 19... I looked down into the pulsating city to see happy couples laughing, kissing, exchanging 'I Love You' and giving gifts to one another out of their affections toward each other... I walked to my bathroom, hopped in the tub and washed myself in hot water with bubbles and rose petals covering me, ah the relaxation especially since I threw in a vanilla bath bomb OH MY GOD! Pure paradise! Especially since Lucas, Mason, and James, were asleep still it was even better this could only mean I was going to have a quiet and peaceful morning; I got out of the tub after cleaning myself and decided to give myself a mud mask, letting it settle and harden on my face, washing it off with hot water and moisturizing afterward, my face looked not only smooth but young as well!

I had dried off and got dressed in a white sweater dress with a thin black belt around my waist, black leggings and black boots with my hair tied back... I was also wearing my moms old necklace... I silently thought to myself, I miss you mom... I wish you were here not only to see the woman I've become but also to see your grandsons... I love you mom happy Valentines Day... Tears began to slowly leak from my eyes as the very thought of her with both of the boys on her lap as she talked to them... I wish she was still alive...

I heard the covers shift behind me and I turned to see my fiance sit up in our bed and the first thing he saw was me, his eyes were a light with love, happiness and longing... I walked toward him and crawled across the mattress to be encircled in his arms, and felt the thrum of his heart beat under my hand, his warmth reminded me that he was real, that everything that was happening to me, to us, was real... I still couldn't believe that I was being held by this guy who barely knew me, that loved me, that proposed to me... It made me absolutely speechless at the very thought that he could love me the way he does... I wanted to always be close to him...

I head a knock on our bed room door and approached it cautiously, and opened only to see that Mason, was at the door standing on his own while James, was a few feet away trying to wake his uncle David, by hitting him with his stuffed panda Pope, it was absolutely adorable and then it got weird... Like really fucking weird really fucking fast!

"Mommy James and me are hungry, can we have something to eat?"

"Mason, did you just talk?"

"Does a bear potty in the woods?"

"Luke you've got to see this"

"See what babe?"

"The boys are walking and talking on their own"

"Are you shitting me?!"

"I wish I was but I'm not!"

That's when I heard another little voice not too far away...

"Uncle David, wake up you sleepy bum!"

"Huh? Who just said that?"

"Me! James! I obviously did!"


"Hey watch your mouth! There's my brother and me in the room!"

"James... Mason... How are you both talking and walking?"

"Simple mommy," said Mason,"we just did" he had a satisfied smile across his face as if that was going to give me some kind of relief.

"Of course I see that but sweetheart, how exactly did you?"

"James and me just started walkin' and talkin' today... We thought you'd be happy..."

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