My Decision...

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  As I looked up at the clear, cloudless sky all I could see was eternity... All I could hear was heartbeats... All I could feel was numb... Here I stood, 18 and married... And yet my father stands here not to support me but to rip me away from the people I've come to know and love...

  I looked from left to right and instead of making a decision between them... I descended down the aisle, the ring stayed on my finger for after today I wasn't gonna take it off...

  As I still walked it hit me... No seriously I got hit with something and went down like a ton of shit bricks and believe you me, I was bleeding from the impact...

  Blood laced itself in my hair and stained the aisle carpet scarlet... Scarlet... The color of love, romance, anger and hatred... That color used to represent many things to me but right now it just remained as the color of blood... I heard yells which to my deafening ears sounded like murmurs...

  All I could see were stars dancing across my vision... I could feel nothing but cold, even on this beautifully hot day... The only warmth I felt was none...

  Am I dying?... Am I gonna be able to see mommy again?... Can I see mommy again?... God please let me see my mommy again?!...

  Light faded from my vision and then just as I was fading into the empty dark vacuum that is death someone had taken me to the infirmary on camp grounds...

  While there I slowly slipped back opening my eyes slowly to the burning sun... All I could see was filmy and white it was practically impossible to readjust! I looked over to the side to see Waya asleep in a chair near the bed and Derek was behind me with his firm arms wrapped around my waist... I could not see my father anywhere... It was as if he just vanished.... I began to stir a bit in the bed to readjust myself which in turn woke up Derek...

  He woke, his big grey eyes were practically stabbing into my own... He smiled and placed a gentle kiss upon my dry lips, "Luna, thank god you're alive... I thought I had lost my mate... I promise that I will never let anything that bad or worse ever come your way again..." his words moved me to tears or whatever I could cry out... He really loves me, I thought... Now my decision is clear... It was clearer than a crystal...  I could not leave this guy... No... I could not leave my husband behind... I tried as best as I could to muster the words I realizing that my throat was dryer than the desert he handed me a glass of water from the bedside table and then asked me to try and repeat what I was trying to say before.

  "My choice is simple... Derek, I choose you... I choose my pack... And I also choose to continue to be your wife and your mate..."

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