Derek's Happiness and the Elder's Worst Nightmare

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  I had left the camp's infirmary feeling happy, dazed and oddly enough numb... there was only thought on my mind and that was to find Derek and tell him the good news that I was expecting, that was when I ran into Waya, happy, bubbly, excitable Waya. She had spotted me and ran up to me screaming my name, before I even had the opportunity to tell her to slow down she had crashed into me her face was buried in between my breasts, realizing where her face was currently resting she had sat up, "Luna, I am so sorry I had just missed you and wanted to hug you but I guess I couldn't stop in time and now we're on the ground.." on and on she babbled apologies which caused me to think, will my kid be like this? The thought had crossed my mind of a cute little child babbling sweet little apologies to me which caused a small smile to form on my face.

  I had stopped her from talking anymore by hugging her, something that I would have never even done since meeting her, it felt kinda... Nice? Yeah, it felt nice. I pulled back from the unexpected hug only to see her dazed and slightly confused, "you hugged me" she said in a cute yet questioning tone, "yes I did and?" I had laughed a sweet girly laugh, another thing I had ever done before.

"You feeling okay Luna? It looks like you got something on your mind and you smell a bit different too... Hmm"

"Well there's definitely a reason as to why I smell different."

  She had begun to sniff me for a detection of the delightful yet secretive news that had to be kept from her.



"Hmm... New hairspray?"


"Then what the hell is it?!"

"I'm not telling you, you need to guess"

"What are you pregnant?"

"Yes actually I am"

  With that answer she stared at me in joy, worry, happiness and excitement, yet then it twisted into something that involved fear and only fear, I couldn't even understand at all though. I tried to reach forward to console her but she scuttled back like prey trying to escape, "no please don't come any closer to me Luna, please." I didn't know what to say so I had gotten up, turned to another direction and took off before she could say anymore, I shifted into my other form soon running on paws rather than feet; faster and faster I ran only to never fully stop until I had collided with a tree, instantly blacking out.

  I started to regain consciousness when I had felt something rough tied around my wrists, sitting up I noticed my feet were tied up as well! I was filled with nothing but pure terror, I didn't know where I was or who could also be in this very room with me, I sniffed the air around me and I caught the scent there were at least six figures in the room, all smell male, could be older but I couldn't tell at all; that was until I heard a low, husky and rough voice say my name, "Luna Belle Chase- Reynolds" I froze at the very sound of the voice all I could do is sit frozen in place as I heard the booming voice continue its words, "you've been brought to the elders of the tribe to be confronted for your being an alpha she wolf and that by the smell of things being pregnant. How long have you been carrying?" 

  I turned to see five older men, two on each side of the true alpha who's night black hair had been peppered with grey hairs in between, his tan face was stern and had frown lines, his very being made even me, who is never fearful of authority, scared shitless, "well young one do you have an answer for me?"

"Sir I have no idea how long I've been carrying... I had only just found out today that I was pregnant..." I couldn't think my mind was scattering into different possibilities on how I could've gotten pregnant... 

  Wait a minute, now I remember how I could've gotten pregnant! It must have been when Derek showed me to our cabin, after the doctors cleared me from the infirmary; I was going to take a hot bath, relax and settle into our very own cabin... At least that's what I was going to do... Derek had walked in while I was bathing, my hair was in a mess bun on top of my head and there was bubbles hiding my nude body, yet my creamy shoulders and chest left little to the imagination and most of the bubbles had disappeared around my feet mostly, I could feel my face heating up at the very thought of the last time I had seen him naked I had wanted him then and in the same way now I want him... Badly. He had caught the look in my eyes and began to undress in front of me starting with his shirt and ending with his boxers, he walked up to the tub and got in with me; the bubbles rose as he sank in the bath he had come closer to me kissing me gently on my lusting lips, my arms slid around him and that's when things got hot and I'm not talking about the bath water if you catch my drift; he lifted me out of the tub a bubble covered mess and carried us over to our king size bed and proceeded to lace my body in kisses from my face, to my neck, chest, breasts, my stomach and then he was down by my wet sex. He kissed and licked it causing a string of moans to be released from my throat, I could feel heat and nothing but that; he had climbed on top of me kissing my neck and hitting my sweet spots and then he plunged himself into me, my back arched and my head went back, thrust after delicious thrust he plunged himself deeper into me until what felt like forever he came in me and pulled out, we lay in a sweaty heap, holding one another close I had drifted off into a sweet dream. 

  My memory had ended only to see Derek off to the side a small smile touched his sweet face, he approached me with caution and knelt before me and said, "I love you" I felt warmth spread onto my face yet there was a pang of sadness in my heart, he was crying... I didn't know exactly why until I saw a blade in his hand, anger, fear and betrayal showed all at once on my face, I scooted back only to tip sideways, I began to shift forms the ropes breaking on my wrists and feet, my clothing ripped and then there I was in my true form, seeing the elders tense up and to see that Derek had dropped the blade. 

  I growled at them as a threat, I had shifted back and stood before them nude, human and with a small baby bump, "if any of you and I mean any of you try to harm my unborn child or I ever again I will make sure to tear you apart, am I understood?!" they all stared at me in fear, shock and respect, then I glared at Derek, "don't even think about trying to fucking apologize to me... You tried to kill me and our child... How could you attempt that?! I thought you loved me! I hate you, you bastard! Don't ever talk to me again I give you back your wedding ring and your engagement ring!" I threw both rings at him, seeing his eyes well up with tears, he hung his head to hide his crying; I had left the room and opened the door to the outside world, I had gone back to the cabin to bathe and get dressed, I had grabbed my bag and collected my clothes, ran to the safe we kept in the closet and took all the money in there, shoving that in the bag as well... I had taken my things, wrote a note and left...

  I never looked back as tears streamed down my face, I kept walking forward away from this place to somewhere that was going to be safer for me and my unborn child... Yet as I looked down more I noticed that it was a bit bigger than what it should be and that's when it hit me, I was having twins...

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