Wait I'm What?!

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  As time passed my marriage was glowing in more ways than one... If you get what I mean...

  I woke this morning feeling as sick as well a dog, my stomach turned and an unsettling nauseating feeling washed over me, I ran from my cabin and to the back where -you guessed it- I puked! I didn't and couldn't understand as to why I did either its just that part of me couldn't help but puke... This isn't a good sign I thought. I fled from the nauseating scene and back into my cabin where I changed rather quickly into a pair of black jeans, tan construction boots and a white button down blouse putting my long unruly locks into a messy bun.

  I had been on my way to the entrance when Derek pulled me to the side as if he could smell me from half a mile away, a stunned look crossed his face, "Luna when was your last menstrual cycle?!"

"And a hello to you too love" I said to him in a sarcastic tone.

"I'm being serious, no sarcasm, witty banter now answer the question when was your last menstrual cycle?" he barked his question at me leaving me wondering how to gently answer the question, "I don't exactly remember when, why is it so important for you to know?" he didn't even say anything and yet said enough to see where he was getting at, "you don't think I'm pregnant do you?!" I panicked.

"Only one way to find out..."

  He and I raced to the camps infirmary and waited for the doctor to see me so that I can take this life changing test...

"Hello you must be, Luna right?" the doctor asked.

"Yes that would be me sir"

"Please call me, Matthew"

"Well okay then, Matthew my partner and I would like to take a pregnancy test"

"Let me grab you a specimen cup so that I can place the pregnancy strip in to determine if you are carrying or not." not even five minutes later Matthew comes back in with a cup in hand, "thank you" I say before going to the bathroom.

 After I had peed in the cup and handed it back only to be told it would take thirty minutes, I began to fidget nervously wondering what my result could be, Derek had to leave something about a meeting with the elders... I was scared yet happy all at once I couldn't comprehend why I was happy... I ran my thumb across my possibly fertilized womb and thought to myself about the difficulties of motherhood and all the trials I'd have to face... I looked up at the clock and saw that I only had about a good ten minutes left until I get my life altering result and then that's when it hit me the realization that I'm too young to have a child! I couldn't just put my life on hold to raise a child let alone...

  Matthew came back to the room I had waited in and gave me a face that said it all... He had silently handed me my results and there it was in my face... I was pregnant...

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