Meeting Derek Reynolds

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  You know that classic drinking game Never Have I Ever... Well that's what today felt like but the one thing I never did was meet a guy with which I can connect to or even liked for that matter... I've only been here about two weeks and so far I don't hate it and now I want to be with a guy sort of like a summer fling kind of thing, I never knew I wanted that until I met Derek Reynolds. I noticed him the very first day I came here but never said anything... Weird even for me!

  He was by far the sexiest guy I've ever laid eyes on! He had to at least be 6'3, shimmering gray eyes, long lashes, long dark brown hair that changed color in the sun as the light hit it, caramel skin, and a mouth that made me wanna smash my lips into his... Whoa, whoa, whoa hold the fucking phone! Am I really falling in love with someone I don't fucking know that well?! I mean he's fine as fuck no doubt but am I really falling for him?! 

  My thoughts became jumbled and confused its as if I was driven by some kind of instinct to fall in love with someone I don't really know that well and yet... I'm compelled to want to get to know him... I want him... I wanna make him mine! I felt awake and alive feeling this way... So I leaped down from the log railing of my cabin which I gladly shared with Waya, she became like a sister to me after a while of being here...

  I walked over to him in an odd way for me I walked in a way that felt like I was slinking my way towards him like some type of wild predator in heat! He noticed and stood there smiling at my advance, as soon as I stood in front of him I could feel my nerves working a mile a minute then it hit me I DIDN'T FUCKING THINK THIS THROUGH! I smiled at him and then walked away like a coward... At least until he grabbed my hand, " there's no need to be shy there doll." his voice sent shivers up and down my spine and I felt myself blush, he spun me around to face him, " you know doll you're very beautiful... What's your name?"

"M-my n-name?"

"Yes your name silly who else would I be asking?" he chuckled slightly

"My name is Luna..." I felt so nervous, so shy, so vulnerable... I've never reacted to a guy like this before! Let alone anyone else for that matter! "I like your name Luna, the Latin word of moon... Your name suits you... Because looking into your eyes is like looking at the moon... Beautiful, enchanting, just flat out, drop dead gorgeous..." he said I could hear my heart racing in my ears.

  I peered into his eyes only to see that he wasn't being dishonest with me, he really meant it! Then as if being woken up from a beautiful dream WHAM! I felt a ball hit the back of my head and then I fell forward into Derek, whom caught me in my fall only for my lips to accidentally crash into his... Yeah talk about first kisses right?!... When I realized that he hadn't pushed me off I broke the evermore spell binding kiss... I looked into his eyes to see he didn't want to end the kiss either... He wanted to kiss me still as well... I got off of him and moved to the side and thinking did he like it? I mean it was an accident after all... Right? What could I do about this now?!

  He looked around at the other guys surrounding us, one with spiky blond hair asked him, " hey alpha you okay?! This little pup didn't hurt you did she?!" alpha? Little pup? What the fuck is going on?! I got to my feet and spoke, "excuse me but why did you call him 'alpha' and why did I get called 'little pup' exactly?" they all looked at me confused by my question, "Luna, you do know Camp Wolf is for werewolves right?"

"Um... Wait I'm sorry I must have hit my head super hard against yours did you say werewolves?!"

"Yeah Luna, you're one too and I know it because an alpha can tell whom his true mate and pack member is from the humans... And you are one and you're my mate..."

  I began to hyperventilate, and soon after I knocked out oblivious to the world around me the last things I remember were a pair of strong arms lifting my limp body from the floor only afterward to be placed on what felt like my bed, I drifted off into the land of dreams and there I found my true self... I found my inner she wolf...

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