The Storm Feels Endless

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  I had left the hospital after spending a week there in the maternity ward, finally I was able to return home where Lucas and I are going to raise the boys together... Lucas, had pulled the car up to the curb I had my Midwife help me with bringing the supplies and both my boys down as well. A feeling dropped like a boulder in my stomach, this in a way of thinking was the calm before the storm... Yet in my heart it felt as if the storm was never ending, there was more to this that just had not yet surfaced... 

  As I had finished buckling down the boys car seats, I looked around me like a paranoid child walking home in the dark... I climbed in the front with Lucas, as we drove home part of me was still on high alert, and from the looks of it so was Lucas. We had finally reached the loft apartment we considered home each of us carrying a baby and a baby supply bag, both of us feeling as if something terrifying and dangerous was waiting for us both... We climbed up the stairs to our home where I had seen a wet foot print in front of our door... I handed both Mason and the baby bag to Lucas, I had grabbed the handgun I had hidden in my coat and entered first only to see both Derek and Waya, in my living room as if they were invited guests, sitting and waiting, "its about time you came back, Waya and I were wondering if you'd ever leave with my pups"

"I want you and that whore to get the fuck outta here now!"

"Now now my darling ex-mate I had helped create those lovely pups in your new mans hands so I should be the one to raise them, don't you think?"

"If I didn't make it clear I wanted you to get the fuck outta here! You will never be able to raise my boys ever!"

"Well Luna, in all honesty Derek, needs to have some type of the relationship with his boys... Plus the boys are going to want to meet their little sister, who was born last Friday"

"I don't give a flying fuck if you gave birth last Friday! All I want is for you both and your baby to be out of my home and if you so much as even try to attack me I will fill you with lead and not even think twice about it"

"Oh really Hun? You don't have the balls to shoot either one of us"

"Care to wager that?"

  As if I hadn't warned them before Derek, came at me first and without hesitation I shot him in the thigh and he fell mid sprint after that he still tried I had shot him in the shoulder, "now that I've made it clear that you both aren't welcome here, leave or the next one goes into your skull" Waya, had looked at me with a ferocity in her eyes as if she was next to try, low and behold she did and I had shot her where her uterus was... She had begun to fall to the floor, looking up at me her emerald green eyes were filled with hate and anger, "now will you fucking listen?" she got up as best she could and went to collect her daughter and then she had collected Derek, and finally left... I know that they will be back but not for while...

"Lu, you okay?"

"In all honesty I've never been better"

"Well Hun, as long as you're satisfied with what you've done that's all that matters..."

"I have to protect you all, you're my family and I refuse to let anyone interfere with that" 

  As I stood in front of Lucas, I felt like a leader for once, no longer was I known as Luna Belle Chase- Reynolds, I was now Luna Belle Chase, I had dropped the Reynolds name once I had made my escape... I am no monster to be feared, I didn't want people to run from me I wanted people to respect me and yeah a slight tremble would be nice, I knew that for some time it would be a while until I had full control over my instincts and that would be alright because for the time being I was going to be a mother, a leader and sooner or later a wife...

  Hours after the stand off and I still stared at the bloodstains on the floor, already brown and dried like mud or rust, I can still hear the gunshots that were fired, I can still see both of them falling to the floor after their feeble attempts to attack had failed, I can't get the smell of their blood out of my nose, every sense in me was going mad like i was stuck on the Crazy Train and I'm flying off the rails yet I never hit the ground... As insane as it sounded I felt as if the storm was still raging in my home and it wouldn't end... It will never end, not until they were dead... I can't focus on that right now I gotta help Lucas, with the boys. I had moved from my spot on the couch to the bedroom where I had found both Lucas and the boys all asleep next to one another, I found it sweet and very paternal of him to do so... 

  I had left my sleepy heads and went to the wine cabinet and grabbed any bottle to pour in the crystal wine glass that my mother had left in the cabinet, come to think of it there was nothing but crystal glasses and porcelain plates with platinum spoons, forks and knives, wow I never realized how loaded mom was  I thought to myself yet I remembered my moms family consisted of nothing but rich people, so many merchants, CEO s, authors and apparently a distant relative of a royal... Yet most of her family was Native American, I can never really remember which tribe but there definitely was Native American in her. Just as I was trying to remember more information my phone began to ring, I had reached for it to see it was my father, oh god I thought I had answered after the third ring.


"Hey Princess, how are you?"

"In all honesty I've been put through Hell but hey I'm still alive right?!"

"Ha that you are!"

"Yeah... So what do I owe to this unexpected call?"

"I missed you and I also heard that you left the camp"

"Oh you have?"

"Yes I have and I would like to know exactly why you had left"

"Well the story is a bit more complicated that I can truly explain"

"Then can you break it down for me?"

"In order to do that I'd have to write you a book full as to why"

"Can you at least tell me where you are?"

"I'm at the apartment that mom left for me"

"Okay I'm coming to get you"


"What do you mean no?"

"Exactly that, I don't want you to 'come and get me' I like it here"

"Luna, please come back to me? I miss you so much and I wish you were here"

"No because Amber, is still there and I know for a fact the moment I set a foot in that home she'll have a bat ready to beat me with!"

"Honey, you don't have to worry about Amber, anymore"

"Oh really? And why is that?"

"Amber, and I got divorced"

"Well thank god it finally happened!"

"Luna Belle Chase, that isn't funny at all!"

"It is to me!"

"I'll be there in the morning, you better have your bags packed because you're coming back with me"

"You can go to Hell! I will never set foot in that hole that you call your home!"

  All I could hear is his breathing low, shallow and frustrated, I know I wore him down hopefully he won't try to proceed with this argument because I have been to exhausted to continue it. Just like that he hung up, as if the conversation had caused him to develop a headache... I poured myself a glass of White Zinfandel and sat on the couch looking out into the dark of the city as rain fell sprinkling the windows and the people below, after I had finished my glass my eyes began to close, slowly but surely I had began to fall into the land of dreams, my eyes finally shut and all I could see was darkness, that was until the nightmare had begun to form behind my eyes...

  Yet who am I to say that that nightmare wasn't only my new reality but also a prediction as to how my life will become as I continue... Oh mom I wish you were still here to help me...

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