If Only I Got The Epidural Before All This!

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  I had slung Lucas's bag over my shoulder and I carried Lucas over the other, I had to lug him up the stairs of the building front and then lug him to the elevator up to the 5th floor and after that I had to still lug him to the apartment door and hopefully lay him on the couch! As misfortune would have it the elevator wasn't working! Well wasn't that just a grand old mother fucking surprise! Well fuck me sideways am I right?! Oh well, no use complaining now... I had begun my trek up the stairs to the 5th floor, each floor practically killed me, as I finally reached the 5th floor I was out of breath I had lugged him to the front door and used the key that she had left for me to have in her will, it took a lot of fighting in the house but eventually my father had stopped fighting me for the key to the loft and let me keep it...

  I unlocked the front door to see the grand loft my mother had created while she was alive, it had floor to ceiling windows with brick walling surrounding it until you reached the kitchen where the walling was white subway tile and chrome, the living room consisted of  two couches, stands with lamps on them, a brass coffee table, a 180 inch flat screen and surround sound speakers, the lighting was round and medium sized bulbs hanging from the ceiling... Being here made it feel as if mom was still alive, as the thought crossed my mind tears stung my eyes, then I remembered that I left my fake boyfriend out in the hallway! I had dragged him the rest of the way in placing him on the couch, where he only just flopped to the floor like a rain drop falling of a flower petal, I had run run right back downstairs to grab all my things from the car and brought every bag up, seven with clothes, shoes, feminine stuff, electronics and that was only four bags! The other three contained money and my personal information and one picture... The picture of me and my mother...

  I had flipped on the power to the place from the fuse box, and just like that everything had lit up, I had heard him stirring in back of me, "WHERE IN THE FUCK AM I?!" I had turned around to see him startled and confused, "Luna, please tell me where the Hell am I?!"

"You're at my loft in The Village which is in Manhattan on the East Side, I inherited this place once my mom had passed away from cancer... I couldn't go back to living with my father because he not only cheated on my mother, but he also married his mistress and she used to beat me everyday for the passed 5 years..."

"Wow... that's a really fucked up situation and all but why am I here and not at the hospital?"

"You were and you got stitches and skin glue to help it heal, they also gave me some medications to give you for the pain"

  He looked at me with questioning in his eyes as if he was trying to see if he could trust me, and yet he had... Out of no where I had felt pain develop in my abdomen as if something was tearing me apart, I turned around, lifted up my shirt and looked down to see that my bump had turned into somewhat of a hill, meaning this shit was noticeable! I could hear him getting closer to me to see if I was okay but before he could I asked him to help me by bringing the bags to the master bedroom, he had done just that without question. I had hobbled over to the front door closing and locking it afterword I had hobbled over to the couch to relax after my one month and two week escape, as I sat down I sank into the cushions, slowly drifting away into sleep...

  After what felt like minutes of a nap really turned into a two day hibernation, I had woken up in different clothes, my hair was brushed and tied back in a ponytail and I smelled like roses as if I was bathed while in hibernation, low and behold Lucas came to check up on me, closing and locking the door he dropped his bag and came over to me, "Hey there Sleeping Beauty, you okay? You were knocked out cold, you also failed to tell me you were pregnant and that you were a Werewolf" I was astounded that he knew what I was and I looked down to see that not only had my breasts swelled significantly but my bump had also grown as well!

"How did you know I was  Werewolf?"

"How could I not? You were shifting in and out of both your wolf and human shape and to add on to that you bloomed into almost full term, and you're due any day now and if I may add I had one of my friends do a sonogram on you to see that you're pregnant with not only boys but with twins no less"

"Oh... Lucas I'm sorry I dragged you into this I really am, but I need you to keep my secret a secret please if anyone found out they'd hunt me down and experiment not only on me but on my babies as well... Please can you keep this a secret?"

"Of course I can, I had to make my friend swear that whatever he saw that he'd keep to himself"

"You also smell different as well... What happened while I was hibernating?"

"Well, while I tried to wake you up you kinda bit me..."


"Don't worry though Lu, I'm okay with the change really I am"

"You don't sound it... I'm so sorry Luke, I will do anything it takes to fix this and to try and reverse this-"

"Why would I want you to do that?"

"Because you deserve a normal life, why wouldn't I?"

"I feel more alive now than I have in my entire life, this isn't a curse you've given me... You've given me a blessing... You were a blessing in disguise..."

  I couldn't believe what I was hearing, no one besides my mother has ever called me a blessing before... I felt my cheeks heat up from the complement, and for me seeing this man before me brought a bit of hope into my life, maybe I wouldn't be a single mother after all, maybe I had finally met my real mate after all...

  I felt something snap within me and pain ran though me as if my veins were set a blaze, sweat beaded my forehead and just like that my water broke on the couch, Lucas had ripped off my sweatpants and my underwear in order to help with seeing if I was dilated wide enough and we were lucky because from the looks of it I wasn't fully dilated, he reached for his cellphone and called 911 so that we could go to the hospital, not but 15 minutes later did the ambulance appear to take us both to Victory Memorial Hospital, while there I had dilated 5 centimeters I was close to being fully dilated and the pain was excruciating and I wanted was an epidural to numb my lower back yet sadly I couldn't get any because I was close to giving birth and I couldn't risk it apparently!

  As time passed the pain dulled out and I finally was able to rest a bit as the afternoon started to become night I had dilated even more, it had been 11:58 pm and I was fully dilated, by the time both boys were delivered it was midnight... They were both born at the same time a millisecond apart... Just like me they were born at the same time I was...

  As weak as I was I wanted to see my boys, I needed to see them, to hold them, to kiss them, to protect them... Finally I had seen them and I had fallen in love the very moment I saw them, they were twins no doubt but they were far from identical, they were just so beautiful to me even now like I saw in the dream Mason, was me all over and James, was definitely Derek... I loved them both so much it hurt... Yet part of me thought this isn't over... Something didn't feel right...

  This was only just the calm before the storm...

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