Chapter 21- Bubblegum Bitch

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"What can I serve you, sir" the bartender asked him.

 "I will have two scotch please" he replied. 

He was looking almost everywhere in the bar. That bar was not very famous in New York, it was because of the dirty business which occurred there. 

Sometimes they called the bar "Fucking Marché " or they usually called it "Quartier Rouge"

His eyes landed on a woman who was reading, her soft hand held up her chin. His dark eyes followed the movement of her hand as she slides it down her lissome neck. He would love to have his hand just right there, to see if her skin is as smooth as it looks. The woman sat with her legs crossed, very lady like, however it offered him an exquisite view of the thickness of her thighs underneath that little red skirt. He fantasied himself touching her thighs, mostly the inner ones. The woman noticed him, and smirked. She stood up and approached him.

She came near him and leaned in and whispered in his ears "Follow me"

He poured his two glasses of scotch down his throat, and followed her. She led him to a small room. When they entered, it was dark inside. He thought that there would be a bed but only a chair and a couch was available. She pushed him on the couch. Slowly, she wedged herself in between his legs and began to run her hand along her thighs. A slow music was being played. The kind of music he would imagined you would fuck too.

**After two hours**

"I hope I make you forgot all your problems, darling" the woman said buttoning her blouse. 

"You did a perfect job" he answered.

"Remind me your name" he then asked her. 

She smirked and leaned closer "Charlotte" her lips remained longer near his ear, teasing him. 

"What about you?" Charlotte asked. 

"If I need, I'll come to find you. Don't worry sweetheart" he said closing the door behind him.

When he reached outside of the bar, he was happy....genuinely happy.

 "You are giving me way too much evidences to prove how you are a real son of bitch" a voice said making him turned.

 "Kol Mikaelson" he smirked. 

"Jamie" Kol growled and took slow steps towards him.

"You already have an awesome girl waiting for you at your apartment, yet that doesn't seem to please. You find other girl to fuck, ass wipe" he said in disgust. 

"A man has its needs" Jamie smiled in an irritatingly smug.

 "Does Bonnie know all of this?" Kol asked indignantly.

"And you Mikaelson, what were you doing around here?" Jamie asked, ignoring his question.

 Kol laughed darkly "You think I'm like you jackass. I'm nothing like you"

"Well it's not good to lie, don't you know" Jamie said and then continued on 

"I know everything about you Kol Mikaelson. You were a real playboy either in London or in New Orleans. You and your brother Klaus. You don't have right to judge me" Jamie said, starting to anger himself.

"Well I won't give you any wrongs. Yes, I was a real playboy but I've changed. I didn't fall in love with an amazing girl and then go around sleeping with bitches, schmuck" Kol snarled at him.

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