Chapter 24-The truth hurts

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Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that exams are over for me. I'm finally in holidays that is more chapters!

"Well I think the real show begins now" Kol smirked pointing his finger to the entrance of Aurora and her brother Tristan De Martel.

As soon as Aurora entered the party, she rushed to see Niklaus while her brother was having a serious conversation with Mikael about business.

"Oh my love! How I have miss you!" Aurora was going to kiss him on the lips, but he moved his head giving his cheek instead. 

Aurora noticed that weird behavior but she let it go away. She thought that he was feeling shy.

"What has happened my love? Are you not feeling well?" Aurora asked in a worried tone.

"I'm fine. No need to worry. I'm just a bit exhausted" Klaus answered looking at Caroline dancing with Damon.

A few minutes before, Caroline finished dancing with his brother, Finn. He went to ask him why he danced with Caroline but Finn didn't answer.

He did not like the way Damon was touching Caroline. Caroline seemed to be happy dancing with Damon. Klaus hated to admit it but he was jealous. He had not been given a single opportunity to dance with her or to simply have a small conversation. Klaus needed to tell her that he doesn't have feelings for Aurora anymore.

"Damon may I know what are you up to?" Caroline asked.

"Nothing in particular" he answered spinning her around.

"Brother I assume that now you're regretting the choice you made" Elijah approached Klaus.

It was now his turn to act. He was not very keen but he knew that Caroline was the perfect choice of the Mikaelson Family. Caroline was his redemption. One thing was sure, Elijah Mikaelson is never wrong. 

'But who knows?'

Klaus was going to speak when he was interrupted by Katherine

"Excuse everyone! I know very well that this party is a Spanish one but who wouldn't like to hear a wonderful song from a beautiful woman" she said.

"Brother if I remember correctly, the last time Katherine had sung a song for you, a seventy-year old man became deaf. I hope you would like to take your precautions this time for everyone' sake" Kol whispered in Elijah's ears.

Elijah nodded. He went to see Katherine who was standing on the stage. He went near and ask her not to sing.

"It's not me who is going to sing. It's C-A-R-O-L-I-N-E" she clarified.

"Ohhhhhh!!" Elijah said reassured.

He would not want Katherine to know that he didn't want to hear her sing. Because the last time, he was traumatized. It was a real disaster.

"I would like every single person here to applaud for my best friend here, Caroline Forbes" Katherine clapped her hands.

Caroline looked at her in surprise. She did not expect that she was going to sing. Everyone was cheering for her.

"Good Luck Blondie" Damon winked at her.

She could not back down when so many people was cheering for her. So, when she reached near the stage, she whispered in Katherine's ears

"Why did you do that? I have no idea what to sing"

Katherine just sent her a reassuring smile pushing her on the stage. Well she was already there, she could not go away now.

"Hola a Todos" she greeted.

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