Chapter 27- Kiss In the Rain

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Sorry for taking so long to update. I was being lazy ^_^

There were so many things that happened between Klaus and Caroline. Both fighting their own demons. But eventually, they have found themselves in this world.

The world isn't beautiful, and that, in a way, lends it a sort of beauty.

It's been five weeks since they have been together. These five weeks have been very tiring. They were exhausted having to solve their own problems, each time the same problems.

Well, Aurora did not let Caroline go that easily. She could not accept the truth that Klaus left her for that woman. Finally, they could say that now they could be alone for some time.

Caroline wanted to go shopping, but she could not spare some time of her own. Since, her boss has been keeping her busy. She was shocked when she heard that Aurora and her boss, Tristan were siblings.

She was walking on the road, admiring every shop she could see. Each time, she would glance what the people were doing. New York was such a lively town.

Suddenly, she got spun around, and without warning, he grabbed her waist and kissed her so passionately right in the middle of the road. She was so taken off guard, but she knew it was him because of the way he smelled. She just literally melted right there.

Somehow, Klaus managed to unclip her hair and one arm was holding her tight around her waist and the other was caressing her hair. She simply got lost in the fabric of time.

Anyway, it seemed like eternity and infinity stood still at that moment.

"You came" Caroline stated with a big smile on her face.

"Anything for you, love" Klaus pecked her on her lips but she moved away.

Klaus looked at her and she looked furious.

"Why that face, Caroline? I came for you." Klaus asked with a questioning look.

"I told you to look formal for our first date and look at you. You look as if you were getting married or more precisely you look like your brother, Elijah" Caroline pouted.

"Come on love, I'm comfortable. We don't want to miss our first date, right?" Klaus raised his eyebrows in chance to convince her to drop that matter.

"You are completely right!" Caroline exclaimed, trying desperately to hide that huge grin forming on her face.

Klaus couldn't even utter a single word, Caroline grabbed him by his hand and took him to a nearby shop.

"Oh no! Don't tell me you're going to sell my favorite suit" Klaus asked, a hint of fear present all over his face.

"That's a good idea Klausy! Uh, please give me a pair of jeans and a comfortable shirt for my boyfriend please" Caroline smiled at the girl working in the shop.

"Klausy?" Klaus stated annoyed.

"What" she shrugged off her shoulders.

"Klausy? What's that name?" he repeated coming closer to her.

"Well Damon once told me that you like when people call you that. I find it a cute nickname, Klausy" Caroline smiled before pushing him away off her.

"That bastard!" Klaus cursed him under his breath.

"Now that's better!" Caroline exclaimed happily, looking at Klaus' changed clothes.

"You look more, formal" she added.

"B-But my suit" Klaus protested.

"Oh, come on, Klaus. I'm sure you have tons of suits and even if you don't what's the harm of asking Mr. Suit-brother" Caroline said.

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