Chapter 30- Careless Whisper: Nothing can hold us anymore

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Hey guys, I wish you a Happy New Year. So, I'm finally done with the last chapter of Careless Whisper and I'm really happy. 

I just have a small request, I want all of you to comment on the ending of my story Careless Whisper please, just for me to have an idea how you find it. Please, all of you. 

Here I go ^_^

*After eight weeks*

It's been eight weeks since it all happened. Neither Klaus nor Caroline saw each other. Caroline was not ready yet, to face him and Klaus was ashamed of himself.


She walked in his room, and time slowed down, pacing with her slow footsteps. She's been haunting him, in nightmares, hallucinations and even when he has been wide awake.

She stopped beside his bed, and her hand slowly reached for his arm. He did everything to move his arm, but it stayed still. It felt like it's pinned to my bed with tons of weight in it.

"You get what you wanted" she whispered.

Her voice was low as if the only person who could hear her was him. Her voice carried so many feelings, and that pained him so much.

Her fingers caressed over his forearm, while he lay still, paralysed.

"You made me fell in love with you and what I get in return I am betrayed by the person I thought was the one for me"

"I get your betrayal. I never did ask for anything more than your love but you betrayed me"

He wanted to scream, but he did not find the strength as he was using all of it just to move his hand away from her. It's not her or her touch that scared him, but it was her eyes and his inability to move.

"You lost me already, Klaus"

After a few more of his attempts go in vain, he finally woke up, still unable to move.

**End of Flashbacks**

Caroline was sitting in a bar, drowning herself in alcohol.

The hurt she was feeling was like a spider web, intricate, yet strong.

"Love hurts" is the biggest lie out there. Love heals, love makes people whole again and love fills them with the goodness they need to be as kind and loving as their Creator intended.

She always believed that. She still wanted to believe that love is what makes people good. But she just could not. What hurts the most was his betrayal.

She knew in time it would pass and the sun would regain its warmth, but the joy from her heart was gone. She could not cry, could not grieve for him, for him stole yourself away.

He took the love he offered and locked it back inside that cage he called a body. She was never going to betray him. But now he'll never know, never find out what they could have been, and neither will she.

"Caroline" someone called at her.

She recognised this voice, but made no effort to turn back.

"What do you want?" she said, surprised that her voice was low and calm.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you. I'm truly sorry" he looked at his feet.

This time she turned back,

"You're truly sorry, Marcel. How pathetic of you not to admit your real intentions" she said in a sarcastic voice.

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