#2 - First dates

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Simon- Simon wanted to get to know you better for your first date, so he took you back to the sidemen house, you met all the others and then spent the day in his room talking, playing games and eating pizza. It was the best day!

Ethan- Ethan wanted to do something romantic for you, so he took you to a small but lovely restaurant, you laughed, shared stories and well just had the best time.

Harry- Harry as we all know, is a very loud and energetic person and he wanted to do something fun for your first date, so he decided to  take you to the park, you played football, ran around and got told off by many parents for taking up the play area.. Oops.

JJ- JJ wanted you to feel special for your first date and so he took you for a late night picnic at the park, you talked and learned a lot about each other, you watched the sunset and he walked you home.

Josh- Josh wanted to make a romantic dinner for you both at the sidemen house with help from the boys and his mum, it was so cute, you chatted about anything and everything with him.

Tobi- He wanted to do something extra fun for your first date so he took out to thorpe park, you loved theme parks so it was the best first date ever!

Vik- Vik wanted to go cheesy and go out to the movies, he chose a comedy, you both had popcorn and put your hands in at the same time, so romantic.

Hope you liked these, cheesy I know.. Never mind! - Amber xx

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