6. Light it Up

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After the events of yesterday, Sienna had slumped on the floor, resigned to an unknown, miserable future waiting to either be killed or thrown out to die.
Reaper hadn't even returned to bring her food for the evening, confirming her fears.
But as she dragged herself out of bed the next morning, quelling the pained noises from her empty stomach, yellow light drew in her vision.
The door.
The artificial light was seeping around the crack, and it was open. Just partially, but definitely enough so that it was noticeable.
Did Reaper leave it open by accident?
Sienna stepped cautiously over to it, buzzing with nervous excitement.
'No,' She murmured 'I definitely remember the slamming sound last night when he shut it..'
Quickly rushing to the bathroom to clean herself up and use the toilet, she  hopped back to the door and gingerly gripped the edge of the frame. The light behind it wasn't much, but compared to the dark, dingy bedroom it was glorious.
Sienna peered around the corner, noting how the dark painted walls did little to cover up the abundant natural light streaming from the ceiling windows. Temporarily ignoring any reasoning Reaper may have had for leaving it open, Sienna slid round the door, pulling it back nearly closed behind her, and looked down the hallway.
After days of darkness, lit only by the small window light, Sienna's eyes struggled to become accustomed to the brightness and she squinted at her surroundings. Reaper obviously hadn't been fond of how light his apartment was, as dark rolls of fabric curtain had been haphazardly draped across the wide windows and ceiling glass, creating odd shadows on the floor.
Speaking of Reaper, I wonder if he's around?
Sienna shivered, murmering under her breath. 'He's probably watching me right now'
Undeterred, she placed soft feet on the floor as she padded quietly down the hall, white socks sliding on the wood. At door on her left didn't budge with a hard push, so she ignored it and carried on. At the end, the corridor opened out into a wide room, with a sort of... Lounge area? Not that she could imagine the killer 'lounging'. It was almost a laughable thought.
But still, two long black sofas and a modest TV were placed around a low coffee table, overlooked by a sort of kitchen-bar area.
It was wrong. To see such...
'Normality' Sienna breathed, finishing her thought out loud. A strange sense of ease came over her, and she made her way around the space, examining all the small details as if trying to figure out Reaper himself. Something caught her attention, and she wandered over to a bookcase of cold, grey stone. But it wasn't the shelf that interested her, more a photo frame that resided on it. Slowly reaching out to pick it up, time stood still as a rush of air and a distinctive whooshing sound rebounded off the cold walls, and Sienna found a strong, armoured arm wrapped around her neck before she could blink.
'You touch nothing. Remember who I am, I will kill you in an instant.' His voice hissed out, accompanied by a tightening of the arm around her throat and crushing a tiny confirmational squeak out of Sienna.
He was gone as soon as he had appeared; as was the photo frame Sienna soon realised, rubbing her neck.
'If he still didn't terrify me, that whole death threat thing would be getting a bit old by now. It's not very original, I have to say.'
It was true, although Reaper himself was undeniably a force to be reckoned with, his actions hadn't been all that bad over the the period of her capture. Especially today...
'Something I said yesterday must have affected him. Maybe, just maybe, I spoke to Gabriel Reyes instead of 'Reaper'.' It was an interesting thought, and Sienna stored it in her mind for later: now she'd explore some more. What was more interesting was that he'd left her out of the room, and had said nothing that implied it wasn't all his plan for her. He purposefully let her out.
And that was when it sparked within her mind. I'll change him.
Sienna could tell there was something else, something other than just pure murderous instinct... Gabriel Reyes still existed in there: 'I just have to draw him back out. Somehow.'

Considering that she probably had a long time to plan how to do that, the brunette headed over to the kitchen area, spying a tall fridge. Her stomach was going to eat itself soon if she didn't remedy the situation. Grabbing hold of the door, she heaved it open and peered inside, feeling relief at the cool rush of air after days of being hot and stuffy.
'I'm sure 'don't touch anything' doesn't include the fridge' was all Sienna said as she eyed up a pot of hummus and some carrots at the bottom.
Surprisingly healthy.
Pulling them out she placed them on the side and looked for something else. A bowl with a crude foil lid caught her attention, and she grabbed it as well and shut the fridge. First she'd deal with the carrot - but as she poked round the kitchen there wasn't a knife or peeler to be found.
I should have guessed that one. No weapons.
Making do with just dipping the carrot as it was, she tucked in, and munched her way through all the hummus quickly and turned to the bowl. Lifting the lid, a warm spicy aroma drifted out and Sienna's mouth watered. Whatever it was, it smelled delicious. Grabbing a spoon and wolfing it down, it tasted even better than she could have imagined, and brought back memories of her childhood. The time when her mother had taken her to the new Mexican restaurant in town for her birthday. It has been a big birthday treat - eating out was expensive and money was a luxury. But that day she'd eaten so well, and even had some leftovers to take home. Maybe it was a childish memory, but Sienna had always longed to go back someday.
In reality, she was sure that place was probably destroyed in the Omnic Crisis, but she held the memory close to her heart.
Taking the last bite, savoring the taste, she realised it couldn't compete with whatever this was. It tasted somewhat more wholesome; yet Sienna couldn't put a finger on it.

Suddenly remembering her precarious situation, she chided herself for losing concentration for a bit and headed to the front door in blind hope Reaper had left it open like he had her door. To no avail, Sienna wasn't surprised to find it locked with no key.
'Well, to somebody who can teleport I would doubt he even owns the key anymore.' After confirming that escape really was futile, Sienna headed over to the dark, heavy curtains on the other side of the room, and dragged them back, revealing a huge pair of glass doors were behind them, and light promptly flooded the apartment.
Turning around to re-view her surroundings, the place actually looked quite nice.
'Must have been quite expensive too, judging by that view.' And it was immense. The place was much higher up than Sienna had realised, at least 40 stories off the floor in some kind of high rise building, overlooking the city. Through the glass, she could even see the old Overwatch headquarters - Hidden in plain sight. Oh how Jack would hate this.

It was nearly evening before anything changed. Having given up trying to find the TV remote, Sienna had instead managed to work out how to use the old portable radio she found in a cupboard. Finding a suitable station, relief filled her on finding out there didn't seem to be any disastrous events on the news, so she settled down to watch the sun set over the city with an odd soundtrack of Back in Black, by AC-DC. 

Not quite what I would have picked to listen to for a romantic sunset, but at least it's a good song.

It was late when the sun finally disappeared below the cityscape, colouring the sky with a watercolour of oranges and pinks in glorious hues. If it weren't for the frosting of snow that lay on the occasional roof, it would almost have seemed like a summer's evening: warm and comfortable. The silhouette of the city seemed to sway softly in the pale light, and Sienna found herself unbearably relaxed, as if just waiting for Reaper to reappear.

And as she thought it, it revealed itself.

'I thought I told you not to touch anything'

For a masked man, Sienna thought, watching him from her cozy sofa spot, he sure is easy to read.

It Takes Time / Reaper x fem!OCWhere stories live. Discover now